Honours Programme
The Honours year in Geography is a lot more than just the fourth year of the degree. The Level 4000 courses typically have smaller numbers than other levels enabling a greater degree of interaction with staff and between students, while the curriculum exposes students to the key issues and concerns at the cutting edge of particular topics.
The Honours year is a time to concentrate on geography and to engage in debates about the nature and direction of the discipline. It is a time to enhance analytical and reflective skills. The Department also strives to provide a conducive atmosphere for class identity to emerge. The majority of teaching is based in Geography's Seminar Room, which serves as a home-base outside class hours. Geography Honours student typically develop a strong sense of place and cohort identity, often arranging extra curricular activities. Students are also encouraged to support the Department’s seminar programme.
FASS has reviewed the Honours Classification requirements and the following update has been made:
Despite recent changes, the department highly supports students embarking on their Honours Thesis projects. The HT provides students with a wonderful opportunity to undertake independent research, which includes formulating their own research questions, fieldwork, and analyses, with close guidance from their advisors.
COHORT 2016 -2020: if you qualify for the HY (110 Units, including 84 Units in Geog), you have 2 options:
HT + five 4000-level elective courses (Subject Average Point (SJAP)≥4.0, Grade Point Average (GPA) ≥3.5). Must also pass GE3240. Students may request a waiver of the SJAP pre-requisite from the department if they have a minimum GPA of 4.25 after completing 110MCs. |
Eight 4000-level Courses. One can be an Independent Study (ISC) GE4660. You have to ensure that you have enough level 4000 courses to cover graduation requirements (GPA ≥3.2) |
COHORT 2021 ONWARDS: if you qualify for the HY(110 Units, including 60 Units in Geog), you have 2 options:
HT + three 4000-level elective courses (Subject Average Point (SJAP)≥4.0, Grade Point Average (GPA) ≥3.5). Must also pass GE3240. Students may request a waiver of the SJAP pre-requisite from the department if they have a minimum GPA of 4.25 after completing 110MCs. |
Five 4000-level Courses. One can be an Independent Study (ISC) GE4660. You have to ensure that you have enough level 4000 courses to cover graduation requirements (GPA ≥3.2) |
Note that the HT Timetable run across both semesters, though formal registration takes place in Term 2.
The maximum word limit for all Honours Thesis is 10,000 words (12,000 words for cohort 2016-2020).
Copies of the Honours Thesis (MS Word .doc/.docx file and softbound copies) are to be submitted by 5 pm of Monday, Week 1, TERM 2.
HT Guide
HT Timetable for Students and Advisors AY2025-26
HT Advisory Process Guidelines
HT Marking Criteria
The ISC can be followed in either semester but has to be registered with the Department in the semester it will be followed. The maximum word limit for ISCs is 4,000. It is also possible to consider alternative submission formats for ISC projects (e.g. design of a website; GIS analysis). The ISC is completed within one semester and the submission date is Monday of Week 13. Students are to submit one hard copy (with all author and identifying information INCLUDED), and one e-copy (email submission is acceptable) to Ms Sakinah by the deadline.