
Geography at NUS has high expectations of its graduate students. This is in part in keeping with its status as one of the top departments in the discipline globally. However, our expectations largely stem from our desire to contribute to the development of a new generation of critically thinking scholars and professionals who are serious in their desire to help resolve the numerous challenges faced by humanity – both now and in the future. We recognise that an important part in this is graduate students being able to transition to their new environment, as one among a large and highly active community of researchers, as quickly and as smoothly as possible. As such, the Department attaches great value to its programme of orientation for new graduate students– and to graduate students staying engaged with Geography throughout their stay with us through their active participation in research group meetings and seminars, attending departmental functions and overseas conferences etc.

The orientation programme involves a meeting with staff involved directly in the graduate programme in Geography at NUS soon after your registration, a localisation tour organised by graduate students and a welcome event at which you will meet fellow graduate students and members of Geography staff.

You are also likely to find the attached Orientation Guide of use. The Guide covers a broad range of information aimed at helping new students settle-in. Much of the content focuses on research and teaching related matters. However, graduate life ought to be about more than just work, and especially so when you are fortunate enough to be located in such an interesting and friendly place as Singapore. Thus to help better your understanding of the discipline of Geography, the city of Singapore and its people, and the geography of the region, several events over the course of the coming year are planned, and many of these are mentioned in the Guide.

Additional information for new graduate students is provided in the Guide for Graduate Research Students, produced annually by the Faculty. International students, new to Singapore, are also advised to consult the NUS International Students website.

All here in Geography at NUS – staff and students – look forward to meeting with you in person in the very near future!

Paul Kench
Graduate Studies Coordinator, Department of Geography, NUS
August 2023