PhD Student

Email: tin.satriawan@u.nus.edu

Research Title: Tropical Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
Research Group: Tropical Environmental Change (TEC)

Thesis Advisor: Dr Remi Luo

Currently, carbon flux measurements and studies in terrestrial ecosystems are centered in the Global North, with tropical regions being notably underrepresented. Although tropical terrestrial ecosystems dominate the interannual variability of the global carbon cycle, their biogeochemistry is relatively poorly understood compared to their northern counterpart.

 I am particularly interested in answering questions such as: how do climatic variables control long-term CO2 fluxes? What are the impacts of anthropogenic land use change on terrestrial carbon fluxes? And how do carbon fluxes vary spatially and temporally? To address these questions, I aim to integrate the use of remote sensing techniques, Earth System Models, and field-based measurements  (i.e., eddy covariance measurements).

 Before coming to NUS, I did my MSc in Geography at the University of British Columbia and obtained a BSc in Biology from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

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