Qin, Lili

Visiting Senior Fellow
Student Society Advisor
Ph.D. (Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), M.A. (Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), M.Ed. (Beijing Normal Univ.), B.Ed. (Shandong Normal Univ.)
The key question guiding my research is that of how to facilitate children's adjustment during adolescence, a time when children often face heightened academic and emotional challenges. My work aims to understand how environmental factors (e.g., culture, parents, and peers) and child characteristics (e.g., their self-construct) may shape children's academic and emotional adjustment during this stage. Currently, I am examining cultural influences on children 's relationships with their parents. A key endeavour has been to understand the trajectories of such relationships as children progress through adolescence, with attention to the implications for their academic and emotional adjustment.
TEL: | (65) 6516 8768 |
EMAIL: | psyql@nus.edu.sg |
ROOM: | AS4-02-16 |
WEBPAGE: | Qin, Lili |
Research Interests:
- Culture
- Adolescence
- Parenting
- Parent-child relationships
- Children's motivational and emotional adjustment
Recent/Representative Publications:
Setoh, P., Qin, L., Zhang, X., & Pomerantz, E. (2015). The social self in early adolescence: Two longitudinal investigations in the United States and China. Developmental Psychology, 51, 949-961.
Qin, L., & Pomerantz, E. (2013). Reciprocal pathways between American and Chinese early adolescents’ sense of responsibility and disclosure to parents. Child Development, 84, 1887-1895.
Qin, L., Pomerantz, E., & Wang, Q. (2009). Are gains in decision-making autonomy during early adolescence beneficial for emotional functioning? The case of the United States and China. Child Development, 80, 1705-1721.