Professional Certificate in Clinical Practice and CBT Foundations for Adults


The Professional Certificate in Clinical Practice and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Foundations for Adults will equip learners with the following competencies:

  • Comprehend and apply the key principles and concepts underlying core psychological theories.
  • Demonstrate the ability to establish therapeutic relationships, employ counselling skills, and utilize motivational interviewing techniques to effectively support clients in their journey towards positive behaviour change and improved mental well- being.
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately identify mental health difficulties, utilize appropriate screening tools, and employ a systematic approach to formulate a holistic understanding of clients' psychological functioning.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with structured mental health intervention/treatment protocol and skills, including psychosocial interventions and evidence-based psychotherapy.
  • Enable learners to identify and navigate ethical dilemmas, apply professional codes of conduct and guidelines, and make informed decisions that prioritize the well- being and autonomy of clients, while upholding ethical standards and promoting responsible and ethical practice in the field of psychology.
  • Develop the ability to effectively utilize group supervision as a valuable resource for reflection, support, guidance, and professional development, leading to improved clinical practice and optimal client outcomes.

For enquiries, please email Nur Zahirah at

Mode of Delivery and Assessment
Entry Requirements
Course Fees

Course Structure and Details