Departmental Test Library

The Departmental Test Library contains an extensive range of psychological test materials. Eligible borrowers* include:

  • Faculty members of the Department of Psychology;
  • Enrolled students in the Master of Psychology (Clinical) Programme;
  • Psychologists whose services are engaged by the Clinical Health and Psychology Centre at National University of Singapore.

*Although faculty members and enrolled students in the Clinical Programme are eligible borrowers, access restrictions to some of the test materials will still be applicable to some of these borrowers.

The Test Library is located in the Clinical and Health Psychology Centre. Unfortunately, it is not able to lend the test materials to the other departments of the University and the public as the Test Library is self-funded (i.e., the Test Library is not financially able to provide a university or community-wide service). In addition, the Test Library is obliged to ensure that only staff/students with the appropriate qualifications are permitted to access restricted psychological material.

Test library policies, application material, and an updated list of library resources can be found at the links below. As the test materials are shared resources and funded by the University, all borrowers must familiarize themselves with Test Library policies: