Roots & Wings 2.0


Photo credit: Melvin Yap

Roots & Wings 2.0 replaces and revises the CFG1010 (Roots and Wings: Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness 1.0) and CFG1020 (Roots & Wings: Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness 2.0) courses that were previously offered by the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG). However, it keeps to the objective of equipping students with essential soft skills for their better functioning in the face of an increasingly complex and volatile environment.

As with CFG1010/1020, roots and wings refer respectively to personal effectiveness and interpersonal effectiveness. Roots & Wings 2.0 thus focuses on cultivating students’ personal and interpersonal soft skills that are applicable across life domains, including the future domain of work. The contents and skills covered in this cultivation of soft skills are based on empirical findings from psychological research.

Roots & Wings 2.0 is a programme that comprises a number of different bite-size 1-unit courses, with each course focused on an important soft skill.

Roots & Wings 2.0 Course System