Course Synopsis
This workshop will focus on longitudinal data modeling in the context of network psychometrics. The material will move the focus from cross-sectional data sets to data sets of one or more people measured repeatedly over time and provide the necessary skills to independently estimate network models from longitudinal data. The workshop will consist of plenary lectures (2h), followed by seminar-style computer practicals (1.5h).
Learning Outcomes
After completing this workshop, attendees will be able to:
- Understand when to use single measurement, panel, and intensive time-series data
- Explain the difference between within-subject effects and between-subject effects
- Estimate vector-autoregression models from longitudinal data
- Critically assess the interpretation from longitudinal data analyses
- Understand the basics of multi-level analysis
- Estimate personalized network models from single subject time-series
- Estimate multi-level network models from time-series data of multiple participants
- Estimate network models from panel data
- Incorporate latent variable and measurement errors in (longitudinal) network models
Dates and Time
- Day 1: TBC in 2025
- Day 2: TBC in 2025
- Day 3: TBC in 2025
Classes will be conducted from 9 am to 5 pm.
Classes will be conducted face-to-face in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS.
About The Trainer

Dr Sacha Epskamp
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
Ph.D. (University of Amsterdam, NL)
M.Sc. (University of Amsterdam, NL)
B.Sc. (University of Amsterdam, NL)
A/P Epskamp is an associate professor at the National University of Singapore, Department of Psychology. Previously, he worked at the University of Amsterdam in the Department of Psychology and the Centre for Urban Mental Health. In addition, A/P Epskamp is a former research fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Studies and has been a visiting researcher at the Complexity Institute of Nanyang Technological University. In 2016, A/P Epskamp completed his seminal PhD on network psychometrics—estimating network models from psychological datasets and equating these to established psychometric modeling techniques. This dissertation laid the groundworks for the field of Network Psychometrics. He has implemented these methods in several software packages now routinely used in diverse fields of psychological research. A/P Epskamp teaches multivariate statistics and data science, and his research interests involve (network) psychometrics, meta-science, reproducibility, complexity, time-series modeling, and dynamical systems modeling. A/P Epskamp has received several awards for his research, including the Leamer-Rosenthal Prize of the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences, the dissertation prize of the psychometric society, and the junior scientific award of the Complex Systems Society.
Research Interests
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Multivariate data analysis
- Structural equation modelling
- Network modelling
- Psychometrics
- Complexity
- Mental health
- Attitudes
- Polarization
Recent/Representative Publications
- Epskamp, S. & Fried, Eiko I. (2018). A Tutorial on Regularized Partial Correlation Networks. Psychological Methods, 23(4), 617–634.
- Epskamp, S., Rhemtulla, M. T., & Borsboom, D. (2017). Generalized Network Psychometrics: Combining Network and Latent Variable Models. Psychometrika, 82(4), 904–927.
- Epskamp, S., Waldorp, L. J., Mõttus, R., & Borsboom, D. (2018). The Gaussian Graphical Model in Cross-sectional and Time-series Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 53(4), 453–480.