Derbyshire, Stuart William George

Derbyshire, Stuart William George


Associate Professor

Acting Deputy Head of Department (Curriculum & Training)

Ph.D. (London), B.Sc. (Hons.) (London)

My primary research interest is pain with a particular focus on pain that occurs without obvious injury or disease. There are many clinical conditions, including fibromyalgia, low back pain and irritable bowel syndrome, where the subjective experience of pain exceeds what might be expected from the objective signs of injury or disease. We have examined these patients using functional imaging in combination with direct stimulation and using hypnosis to modify pain experience. We have also developed a series of techniques to induce pain in pain free individuals without involving a typical noxious stimulus. These techniques include suggested pain, observing others in pain and injury to a rubber hand during the rubber hand illusion.

TEL: (65) 6516 4115
ROOM: AS4-03-38
WEBPAGE: Derbyshire, Stuart William George

Research Interests:

  • Pain
  • Functional neuroimaging
  • Consciousness

Recent/Representative Publications:

Derbyshire, S. W. G., Whalley, M. G., Seah, S. T. H., & Oakley, D. A. (2017). Suggestions to reduce clinical fibromyalgia pain and experimentally induced pain produce parallel effects on perceived pain but divergent functional MRI–based brain activity. Psychosomatic Medicine79, 189-200.

Derbyshire, S. W. G., Bushell, R., & Angel, I. (2016). When pain brings gain: Soccer players behavior and admissions suggest feigning injury to maintain a favorable scoreline. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 613.

Osborn, J., & Derbyshire, S. W. G. (2010). Pain sensation evoked by observing injury in others. Pain, 148, 268-274.