Ding, Xiao Pan

Associate Professor
Acting Director of Graduate Studies (Non-Clinical)
Ph.D. (East China Normal), M.Ed. (Zhejiang), B.S. (Zhejiang)
My current research focuses on the development of moral behaviour in children generally and the development of honesty and dishonesty in particular. I use behavioural, computational, and cognitive neuroscience methods to address this research question. Specifically, in terms of behavioural methods, I use both experimental methods and standardised measures to investigate the social and cognitive factors affecting children’s honest and dishonest behaviour. In terms of computational methods, I use computerised facial emotion analysis to decode children’s expressive behaviours associated with deceit. In terms of neural imaging, I use functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to study the neural mechanisms underlying children’s moral behaviour in the natural environment.
TEL: | (65) 6516 3502 |
EMAIL: | psydx@nus.edu.sg |
ROOM: | AS4-02-25 |
WEBPAGE: | Ding, Xiao Pan Child Development Lab |
Research Interests:
- Moral development
- Cognitive development
- Deception and lying
- Brain development
- Functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Recent/Representative Publications:
Sai, L., Shang, S., Tay, C., Liu, X., Sheng, T., Fu, G., Ding, X. P., & Lee, K. (2021). Theory of mind, executive function, and lying in children: A meta-analysis. Developmental Science, e13096.
Ding, X. P., Teo, S. L. Y., & Tay, C. (2021). The link between parental mental state talk and children’s lying: An indirect effect via false belief understanding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 201, 104990.
Ding, X. P., Heyman, G. D., Fu, G., Zhu, B., & Lee, K. (2018). Young children discover how to deceive in 10 days: A microgenetic study. Developmental Science, 21(3), e12566.