Goh, Winston D.

Associate Professor
Head of Department
Ph.D. (Indiana), M.Soc.Sci. (NUS), B.Soc.Sci. (Hons.) (NUS), B.A. (NUS)
My research currently looks at various aspects of human memory and spoken language processing. Some of my studies explore the interplay between long-term memory and working or short-term memory. I specifically look at how the organisation of lexical knowledge in long-term memory, such as phonological neighbourhoods and semantic categories, can affect short-term memory processes. Another question is whether certain types of retrieval cues or memory codes, such as phonological or semantic codes, are more dominant than others, and how they may interfere with each other in the course of remembering. Related to the question of what type of codes and information get stored in memory, I examine how people make use of non-lexical information to recognise and remember words and sentences. I am specifically exploring the extent to which people remember the indexical properties of spoken language and how voice information may be used in word recognition and memory processes.
TEL: | (65) 6516 8749 |
EMAIL: | psygohw@nus.edu.sg |
ROOM: | AS4-02-18 |
WEBPAGE: | Goh, Winston D. |
Research Interests:
- Memory and language
- Psycholinguistics
- Speech perception and spoken word recognition
Recent/Representative Publications:
Goh, W. D., Yap, M. J., & Chee, Q. W. (2020). The Auditory English Lexicon Project: A multi-talker, multi-region psycholinguistic database of 10,170 spoken words and nonwords. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 2202-2231.
Goh, W. D., & Lu, S. H. X. (2012). Testing the myth of the encoding-retrieval match. Memory & Cognition, 40, 28-39.
Goh, W. D. (2005). Talker variability and recognition memory: Instance-specific and voice-specific effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31, 40-53.