Gwee, Kenji

Gwee, Kenji


Senior Lecturer

D.Psych. (Clinical Forensic) (Edith Cowan), B.Soc.Sci (Hons.) (NUS)

Dr. Gwee is a perceptive clinician and a passionate educator.

With over 18 years of experience as a clinical forensic psychologist at the Institute of Mental Health, he is well versed with psychological issues and life challenges that adults and youths face.

On the forensic front, he has provided expert testimony for high-profile criminal cases and set various standards for psychological assessments for local courts.

He obtained his doctorate from Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia.

On top of teaching and training new psychologists, he also enjoys providing:

  • Psychological therapy and assessments
  • Consultation to lawyers and the courts
  • Consultation to mental health professions
  • Clinical supervision
TEL: (65) 6516 2454
ROOM: AS4-03-13
WEBPAGE: Gwee, Kenji

Research Interests:

  • Psychological assessments
  • Psycho-legal research

Recent/Representative Publications:

Gwee, K. (2024). Psychological assessments in IMH.  In Yeo, D & Cheok, C. (Eds) Handbook of Forensic Psychiatry. In press.

Chan, I., Ong, I., Gwee, K. (2020). Validation of the Test of Memory Malingering in a Clinical Population from Singapore. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 20 (1), 1-16.

Gwee, K. (2017). Psychology and psychiatry in Singapore courts: A baseline survey of the mental health landscape in the legal arena. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry52, 44–54.