Libedinsky, Camilo

Libedinsky, Camilo


Assistant Professor

Deputy Director of Research

Ph.D. (Harvard), B.S. (Chile)

My primary interest is cognitive neuroscience. I use human and non-human primates to study perception, working memory, attention and decision making. Another interest is to develop neurotechnologies in collaboration with engineers, including motor brain-machine interfaces and sensory feedback devices.

TEL: (65) 6601 5030
ROOM: AS4-03-39
WEBPAGE: Libedinsky, Camilo
Libedinksy Lab

Research Interests:

  • Network level explorations of cognitive phenomena
  • Non-human primate neurophysiology
  • Human psychophysics
  • Development of neurotechnologies

Recent/Representative Publications:

Tang, C., Herikstad, R., Parthasarathy, A., Libedinsky, C.,* & Yen, S. C.* (2020). Minimally dependent activity subspaces for working memory and motor preparation in the lateral prefrontal cortex. eLife9, e58154.

Parthasarathy, A., Tang, C., Herikstad, R., Cheong, L. F., Yen, S. C.,* & Libedinsky, C.* (2019). Time-invariant working memory representations in the presence of code-morphing in the lateral prefrontal cortex. Nature Communications, 10, 4995.

Parthasarathy, A., Herikstad, R., Bong, J. H., Medina, F. S., Libedinsky, C.,* & Yen, S. C.* (2017). Mixed selectivity morphs population codes in prefrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience20, 1770-1779.

* denotes co-senior, co-corresponding authors