Lo, Chi Yan June

Lo, Chi Yan June


Assistant Professor (honorary appointment, from Department of Medicine)

Ph.D. (Surrey), M.Phil. (CUHK), B.S.Sc. (CUHK)

Given the escalating prevalence of sleep curtailment in many modern societies and the unanimous reports of its diverse negative consequences, such as impaired attention in students and increased risks for dementia in older adults, as a cognitive psychologist, I have been investigating the contribution of sleep to neurobehavioural functions in various age groups. Aiming to improve sleep health, thereby enhancing brain and cognitive functions as well as psychological well-being, my research program focuses on maximizing cognitive potential and improving quality of life across the lifespan.

TEL: -
EMAIL: june.lo@nus.edu.sg

Research Interests:

  • Children: Investigate the contribution of various sleep features, such as sleep macro- and micro-structure to cognitive development, academic performance and behavioural problems
  • Adolescents: Characterise decrements in neurobehavioural functions among sleep-deprived teens in our search for an optimal and feasible schedule that enables the best possible cognitive outcomes
  • Adults: Investigate the impact of night-to-night variability in sleep duration on cognitive performance and glucose metabolism, so as to determine whether having a stable or variable sleep schedule can help to better offset some of the cognitive and metabolic impairments induced by sleep restriction across multiple nights

Recent/Representative Publications:

Leong, R. L., Cheng, G. H., Chee, M. W., & Lo, J. C. (2019). The effects of sleep on prospective memory: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 47, 18-27.

Lo, J. C., Twan, D. C. K., Karamchedu, S., Ong, J. L., van Rijn, E., Lee, X. K., Gooley, J. J., & Chee, M. W. (2019). Differential effects of split and continuous sleep on vigilance and glucose tolerance in sleep-restricted adolescents: A randomized trial. Sleep, 42(5), zsz037.

Cheng, G. H., Malhotra, R., Ostbye, T., Chan, A., Ma, S., & Lo, J. C. (2018). Changes in nocturnal sleep and daytime nap durations predict all-cause mortality among older adults: The panel on health and ageing of Singaporean elderly. Sleep, 41(7), zsy087.