Oh, DongWon

Oh, DongWon

DongWon Oh

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. (Princeton), M.A. (Princeton), M.A. (Seoul National), B.A. with summa cum laude (Seoul National)

Perception occurs in the rich context of beliefs and knowledge, colored by the perceiver’s biases and experiences. I study various ways through which our subjective perceptions of the world are initially formed and further shaped–via stereotypes, conceptual knowledge, and more. To study this topic, I use behavioral experiments, data-driven modeling, multilevel modeling, multivariate analysis, and neuroimaging. Ultimately, I aim to advance understanding of the relationships between different mental faculties, including perception, learning, semantic memory, and decision making, and to help rectify unfair biases with societal consequences.

TEL: (65) 6516 8118
EMAIL: doh@nus.edu.sg
ROOM: AS4-02-17
WEBPAGE: Oh, DongWon

Research Interests:

  • Social perception
  • Conceptual knowledge
  • Faces
  • Culture
  • Personality
  • Emotion

Recent/Representative Publications:

Oh, D., Buck, E. A., & Todorov, A. (2019). Revealing hidden gender biases in competence impressions of faces. Psychological Science, 30(1), 65-79. doi: 10.1177/0956797618813092

Oh, D., Shafir, E., & Todorov, A. (2020). Economic status cues from clothes affect perceived competence from faces. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 287–293. doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0782-4

Oh, D., Martin, J. D., & Freeman, J. B. (2022). Personality across world regions predicts variability in the structure of face impressions. Psychological Science, 33(8), 1240-1256. doi:10.1177/09567976211072814