Powell, Nina

Powell, Nina


Senior Lecturer

Acting Director of Undergraduate Studies

Ph.D. (Birmingham), B.A. (Hons.) (North Carolina at Greensboro)

I am interested, generally, in how people process information about moral judgments, and the development of cognitive reasoning used in making moral judgments. To date, my research has explored both children’s and adults’ moral judgments and moral emotions. Specifically, I have explored the conditions under which people desire and seek additional, post-judgment contextual information that can either mitigate or inflame a judgment. My main research questions are when, why and to what effect do people seek mitigation after making a moral judgment. More recently I have started to investigate whether acts of virtue compared to acts of vice have different evidentiary standards, and how easy or difficult it is to reverse an initial judgment. I am interested in exploring the idea that morality is asymmetrical – people can easily identify wrongness, but have a more difficult time identifying and trusting acts of moral goodness. Following on from moral judgments, I have also started to investigate how easily people can reverse initial impressions of a person’s honesty compared to dishonesty – again, exploring a potential asymmetry between reactions to honesty compared to dishonesty.

TEL: (65) 6516 5000
EMAIL: psynlp@nus.edu.sg
ROOM: AS4-03-41
WEBPAGE: Powell, Nina

Research Interests:

  • AI, smart cities, and ethics
  • Human-machine interaction
  • Moral reasoning
  • Autonomy and agency
  • Higher education

Recent/Representative Publications:

Powell, N. L., & Derbyshire, S. W. (2017). Values, Empathy, and the Brain. In The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics (pp. 352-362). Routledge.

Powell, N., & Wanic, R. (2022, April 28). Student-centred education: A philosophy most unkind. Times Higher Education. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/depth/student-centred-education-philosophy-most-unkind

Powell, N. L., Derbyshire, S. W. G., & Guttentag, R. E., (2012). Biases in children’s and adults’ moral judgments. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113, 186-193.