Vijayakumar, Ranjith

Vijayakumar, Ranjith



Teaching Assistant Advisor and Coordinator

Ph.D. (NUS), M.Soc.Sci. (NUS)

I have two main threads of interest related to psychology: (i) applications of quantitative methods to psychology research; and (ii) examining the extent and limitations of combining evolutionary and comparative psychology approaches to traditional frameworks in cognitive, cultural, and social psychology. Apart from psychology, I have an amateurish interest in history, politics, anthropology.

TEL: (65) 6601 7575
ROOM: AS4-03-31
WEBPAGE: Vijayakumar, Ranjith

Research Interests:

  • Applications of Machine learning methods in social sciences

Recent/Representative Publications:

Vijayakumar, R., & Cheung, M. W. -L. (2018). Replicability of machine learning models in the social sciences: A case study in variable selection. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 226(4), 259–273.

Cheung, M. W.-L., & Vijayakumar, R. (2016). A guide to conducting a meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 26(2), 121–128.

Schirmer, A., Teh, K. S., Wang, S., Vijayakumar, R., Ching, A., Nithianantham, D., Escoffier, N., & Cheok, A. D. (2011). Squeeze me, but don't tease me: Human and mechanical touch enhance visual attention and emotion discrimination. Social Neuroscience, 6(3), 219–230.