Research Participation Programme

Research Participant Programme

RP Programme

Research participation (RP) is a module requirement for PL1101E, PL2131 and PLB1201. RP applies to all students taking these modules, from any faculty, and including exchange students and other non-graduating students. The requirement can be fulfilled by participating in the RP programme (recommended), or by observer participation with written reports.

The RP Programme is an essential component of the Psychology Programme at the Department of Psychology at NUS. The Programme provides undergraduate students an opportunity to participate in and therefore observe current research, giving them a better understanding of the methods used in psychological research, as well as gain insight into the role of the researcher. Here in Psychology in NUS, we strongly encourage active participation in current research, and consider RP an essential component of the Psychology Programme. Undergraduate students reading PL1101E, PL2131 and PLB1201 at the Department of Psychology are given the opportunity required to be either a participant in research or an observer of these studies, which are being carried out at the Department.

All new research participants will receive their password by Week 2 of the Semester.

AY 2023/24 Schedule:

Starts Ends
Semester 1 12 August 2024 15 November 2024
Semester 2 13 January 2025 18 April 2025



Undergraduate students reading either PL1101E, PL2131 or PLB1201 at the Department of Psychology NUS, are given the opportunity to be either a participant in current research or an observer of these studies, which are being carried out at the Department.

Undergraduate Research Participation

As an NUS student, you can fulfil your research participation requirement by EITHER:

(1) opting into the RP Programme, where you act as a participant in staff and student research projects. You will be required to accumulate 12 RP points per module (i.e., PL1101E, PL2131) or 6 RP points (PLB1201). All research is reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board before any data collection begins. (Details on the Participant tab.);


(2) opting out of the RP Programme. To do so, you would have to notify the RP coordinator via email by Friday February 21st, 2025. The RP coordinator will arrange for you to act as an observer for TWO studies. You will be required to write up a report on each study. (Details on the Participant tab.)

Parental Consent

There will be some studies that will require parental consent before participation. Accordingly, the researcher’s in-charge will require you to complete a parental consent form before participation.

How do I sign up for a study?

As a research participant, you can view and sign up for studies online by logging in using your NUS UserID and password at SONA. (Click here for details.)
