Upon Return

Now you are home; you had an unforgettable time during student exchange; you have made friends for life and are still savouring your beautiful memories. But there are a few things you need to do now that you are back at NUS.

Does Unit Transfer happen automatically?

Unit Transfer - previously known as Credit Transfer

Units - previously known as MCs

I am afraid you will still need to do a few more things before Units are transferred. The reason for the additional steps is so that we can verify that you have read the courses that you planned to read and that you achieved a satisfactory grade for the courses.

Upon receipt of your transcript, please complete the Request Form: Transfer of SEP Units and email it to StudyAbroad@FASS, with a copy of your transcript. If there were any changes to your SEP study plan while you were overseas, you will need to include the approval documents/emails in the Unit Transfer documents as well if it is not approved via the EduRec Courses Mapping worksheet.

If you do not receive your transcript after the expected date, please contact the partner university.

Also if you read courses without seeking prior approval, please be aware that you will run the risk that these courses will not be approved after the fact - which might mean that you will not be able to transfer the Units for these courses. The FAQs on Unit transfer will explain more.

When will you need to submit the documents?

CourseReg - previously known as ModReg

We do advise you to submit your Unit Transfer documents as soon as possible, in your returning semester to avoid complications with CourseReg later. So we suggest that you do not wait till the last minute. Once again, we usually get a rush of transfer request late in the semester and there may be delays in the Unit Transfer process if you do not hurry. The delay may mean that you do not get promoted to the correct course code in the next semester.

You have done some courses overseas that are pre-requisite for courses that you plan to read in the returning semester. But they are not reflected in the academic record at this time as you just got back. What should you do?

I am afraid that the Unit transfer will not be done quickly enough to reflect the courses that you have read overseas.

You will need to email your department to let them know that you have met the pre-requisites and request them to waive the requirements for you to access the higher level courses. You will need to do this before CourseReg start; otherwise you will miss out on being able to select the courses.

You want to graduate in the semester when you get back. When should you submit your Unit transfer form and documents to ensure that you can graduate on time?

Well, we would recommend that you submit your documents as soon as you get back from your exchange; preferably within the first week of the new semester. This has the advantage of allowing you to know if the Units you read overseas meet your expected requirements and that you can at least make up for any shortfall within the CourseReg period.


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