Modular System (Graduation Requirements)


For general information on the NUS Modular System, you may refer to the Office of the University Registrar's website.

You may also access ‘My Graduation Audit Report’ on EduRec, which allows you to track your study progress and the graduation requirements that need to be fulfilled. Please note that it can only be generated from your second year of study onwards. For more information, please click here.

Modular System (by Cohort)

The Modular System document contains a detailed summary of the graduation requirements of an FASS student. It is recommended that all students hold a copy of the Modular System to keep track of their academic career.

Please refer to the Modular System paper that is relevant for your cohort. (The cohort year is the academic year in which you have matriculated in NUS. For example, if you have matriculated in AY2017/2018, you will belong to Cohort 2017.)

For Cohort 2012 onwards, please refer to Important Circulars from FASS.

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