David Taylor

My research examines the human dimensions of environmental change and ranges from basic and exploratory to highly applied. Most of my work – and my most highly cited research papers, including articles in Nature and Science – focuses on environmental, including climate, changes and the ways in which people and ecosystems respond to and interact with these at low latitudes in Africa and Asia.  According to the Web of Science, my work has been cited 4487 times and I have an h-index of 35 (April 2022).

My Google Scholar page can be acccessed here.

My ORCID iD can be accessed here.

My Scorpus profile can be accessed here.

I view environmental pollution as one of, if not the, grand challenges facing humanity - anthropogenic climate change being just one effect of environmental pollution - both now and into the future.  Research in this area has many dimensions, including how we prevent pollution in the first place, how we mitigate and adapt to pollution impacts, how we repair human and natural systems damaged by the effects of pollution (including climate change), and who should pay? These are all fertile areas of future research - and tropical latitudes, as a major source and sink for pollution, are a great place to base such studies. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to teach a module on environmental pollution here at in the Department of Geography NUS – a great example of research and teaching/learning informing one another.

For more information, visit here:

TAYLOR, DAVID MARK - FASS Staff Profile (nus.edu.sg)

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