Graduation Requirements (before AY2021)



Single Major (B.A.)

To major in GE, students need to:

[1] Pass GE1101E: Geographical Journeys: Exploring World Environments. This will be counted towards the Faculty Core or UE requirements.

[2] Pass at least 44 Units of GE courses or GE-recognised-courses which include the following:

a) GE2101: Methods and Practices in Geography

b) a minimum of ONE of the following:

  1. GE2215 Introduction to GIS
  2. GE2227 Cartography and Visualisation * or GE3252 Cartography and Geovisualization #
  3. GE3230A Field Studies in Geography: Southeast Asia

c) a minimum of 8 Units from each of the following group:

  1. Social/Cultural
  2. Politics, Economies And Space
  3. Tropical Environmental Change

A minimum of any 2 courses at level-2000 or 3000 from each of the following sub-disciplinary areas:

Number Social/Cultural Group Politics, Economies And Space Group Tropical Environmental Change Group
1 GE2204 Cities in Transition * GE3248 Cities in Transition # GE2202 Economy and Space * GE2103 Our Planet: An Earth System Science Perspective
2 GE2206 Geographies of Life and Death  *
GE3249 Geographies of Life and Death #
GE2221 Nature and Society *
GE3250 Nature and Society #
GE2220 Terrestrial and Coastal Environments*
3 GE2218 Leisure, Recreation and Tourism *
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
GE2222 Politics and Space * GE2228 Weather and Climate *
GE3253 Weather and Climate #
4 GE2226 Southeast Asia *
GE3251 Southeast Asia #
GE2102 Politics, Economies And Space # GE2229 Water and Environment *
GE3255 Aquatic, Riparian and Coastal Systems #
5 GE2231 Introduction to Social and Cultural Geography *
GE2231 Living Space: Introduction to Social and Cultural Geography #
GE3201 The Service Economy*
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
GE2230 Energy Futures: Environment and Sustainability *
GE3254 Energy Futures: Environment and Sustainability #
6 GE3206 Gender, Space and Place GE3204 Cities and Regions: Planning for Change GE3216 Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing
7 GE3219 Globalisation and Asian Cities *
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
GE3210 Natural Resources: Policies and Practice GE3221 Ecological Systems
8 GE3224 Cultural Landscapes *
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
GE3235 Geographies of Development GE3223 Environmental Change in the Tropics *
From Semester 1 AY2021/2022 onwards, this module will not be offered at Level 3000; it will only be offered at Level 4000.
9 GE3226 Tourism Development GE3236 Transport and Communications GE3227 Urban Climates *
From Semester 1 AY2021/2022 onwards, this module will not be offered at Level 3000; it will only be offered at Level 4000.
10 GE3237 Geographies of Migration *
From Semester 1 AY2021/2022 onwards, this module will not be offered at Level 3000; it will only be offered at Level 4000.
GE3247 Worlds of Work GE3231 Natural Hazards
11 GE3241 Geographies of Social Life ASP1201GE Humanities and Soc Sci Research Prog GE3238 GIS Designs and Practices
12 ASP1201GE Humanities and Soc Sci Research Prog SN2284 Making Sense of Regions in South Asia GE3242 Sediments and Sedimentary Basins*
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
13 SN2284 Making Sense of Regions in South Asia GE3243 Applied Petroleum Exploration*
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
14 GE3244 Fundamentals of Petroleum Exploration*
(preclusion: GE3880A)
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
15 GE3245
Conservation and Urban Tropical Ecology in SE Asia*
This module will not be offered from AY2021/2022.
16 GE3246 Environmental Pollution *
From Semester 1 AY2021/2022 onwards, this module will not be offered at Level 3000; it will only be offered at Level 4000.
17 GE3252 Cartography and Geovisualization
18 GE3256 Earth Surface Processes, Landforms and Ecosystems #
19 GE3259 Applied Geographical Data Science
20 GE3880A Topics in Petroleum Geoscience
22 ASP1201GE Humanities and Soc Sci Research Prog

d) A minimum of 24 Units at level-3000 or higher.


i. Students are allowed to read level-4000 courses subject to departmental approval.

ii: ( * ) - this course code applies only to students who took this course before AY2021/2022.

iii.  ( # ) - this course code applies only to students taking the course from AY2021/2022 onwards.