PhD Student
Research Title: Blue, teal and beyond carbon: Perceptions, experiences and governance of wetlands in a tropical urban landscape
Research Group: Tropical Environmental Change (TEC)
Thesis Advisor: Professor David Taylor
Mark’s research investigates nature in urban settings, focusing on wetlands in Singapore. The aim is to understand how Singapore’s wetlands have been perceived, experienced and governed, so as to chart a roadmap to enhance such governance, for the greater and more equitable benefit of society and nature. That includes but goes beyond the agenda of carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation. While based on and intended for Singapore, this roadmap may be extended to other cities, if applicable to their respective contexts.
Mark is interested in studying the relations of people with the natural environment and among one another, seeking ways to improve these relationships for the good of both people and nature. He commenced his PhD in 2023, as part of the project “Climate Governance of Nature-based Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia” funded by the Social Science Research Council Singapore. In his free time, he enjoys being outdoors, either jogging or walking, appreciating the beauty of nature even amidst urban infrastructure!