Social Cultural Geographies (SCG)

About SCG

The Social and Cultural Geographies (SCG) Research Group aims to support, invigorate, and develop research in social and cultural geography in the Department. NUS Geography has long been recognized for its strength in various strands of social and cultural geography. These strands are organized into two inclusive and overlapping themes. Under mobilities, our research covers migration and transnationalism, tourism, transport infrastructures and cultures, and policy mobilities. Under urban life, our research covers cultural and heritage landscapes, cities and liveability, urban aspirations and future imaginaries, and the geographies of ageing and youth. A focus on gender cuts across both themes.

To achieve the aim above, the group will:

  • endeavour to introduce Asian lenses to scholarship in the fields of social and cultural geography;
  • generate impact by making our work accessible and contributing to policy discussions and public debates;
  • provide relevant and impactful geographical education for graduates and undergraduates;
  • foster a supportive environment and a constructive ethos for all faculty, graduates and early career scholars.
SCG Members

SCG Members


Assistant Professor

Brenda Yeoh



Assistant Professor

Elaine Ho


2022 Dr Kamalini Ramdas 2v

Deputy Head and Associate Professor

Lin Weiqiang

Associate Professor

Menusha De Silva


Shirlena Huang

Emeritus Professor



TC Chang

Associate Professor


Assistant Professor

Research Projects

Cities and Urban Life

  • 2023-2026, Capitals of the Future: Place, Power and Possibility in Southeast Asia (PI: Daniel Goh, ARI/NUS Sociology; co-PI: Tim Bunnell, ARI/NUS)
  • 2020-2023, Smart Cities in Global Comparative Perspective: Worlding and Provincializing Relationships (PI: Byron Miller, University of Calgary; co-PIs for Singapore team: Tim Bunnell, NUS; Lily Kong, SMU; Orlando Woods, SMU)
  • 2020-2022, Capitals of the Future, Then and Now: Southeast Asia’s Planned Administrative Centres (PI: Tim Bunnell, NUS; co-PIs: Maitrii Aung-Thwin, NUS History; Daniel Goh, NUS Sociology)

Development Geographies

  • 2023-2024, Value Co-Creation for Developing Creative Tourism in Yod-Phulangka, Thailand (PI: TC Chang, NUS; Co-PI: Thitirat Panbamrungkij, Dept of Geography, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

Geographies of Youth

  • 2023-25, Youth urbanism and postcolonial futures in comparative perspective (PI: Allen Xiao, NUS)

Mobilities and Transnationalism

  • 2023-2029, Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence against Women (CEVAW) (PI: Jacqui True, Monash University; Partner Investigator: Brenda Yeoh, NUS (along with a network of over 30 partner-investigators)).
  • 2022-2029, South-South Migration and Migrant Food Insecurity: Interactions, Impacts and Remedies (MiFood Project) (PI: Prof Jonathan Crush, Wilfrid Laurier University; Co-Applicant: Brenda Yeoh, NUS (along with a network of over 50 co-applicants). Webpage
  • 2023-2026, The Singaporean Stack: cashless payment, digital infrastructure, and smart citizenship on and beyond Intelligent Island (PI: Dylan Brady, NUS)
  • 2022-2025, Plastic Waste and Women’s Household Practices in Asia and Australia (PI: Brenda Yeoh, NUS; Co-PIs: Natalie Pang, NUS Communications and New Media; Collaborator: Shiori Shakuto, Uni of Sydney) Webpage
  • 2020-2025, Peopling Infrastructure: Aeromobilities, Automation, and Mobilisations of Labour in Asia (PI: Lin Weiqiang, NUS) Webpage
  • 2022-2024, A Study on Cross-National Families in Singapore (PI: Brenda Yeoh, NUS; Co-PIs: Esther Goh, NUS Social Work; Theodora Lam, ARI/NUS; Bernice Khoo, DSO). Webpage
  • 2022-2024, The Longer-term Impact of Parental Labour Migration: Well-being, Indebtedness and Family Sustainability in Southeast Asia (PI: Lucy Jordan, University of Hong Kong; Co-PIs: Elspeth Graham, University of St Andrews; Kolitha Wickramage, IOM; Co-Investigator: Brenda Yeoh, NUS; Collaborators: Maruja Milagros Asis, Scalabrini Migration Centre; Patrick Duigan, ADB; Tim Liao, Uni of Illinois; Tomas Martin Ernst, IOM; Melissa Garabiles, Ateneo de Manila University; Sukamdi, Universitas Gadjah Mada).
  • 2021-2024, Ageing and Relocation in Queenstown (PI: Elaine Ho, NUS)
  • 2021-2024, Ageing and Social Networks: Mapping the Lifeworlds of Older Singaporeans (PI: Elaine Ho, NUS; Co-PIs: Vincent Chua, NUS Sociology and Feng Chen-Chieh, NUS Geography)
  • 2021-2024, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Student Mobilities in China-Southeast Asia (PI: Ho Kong Chong, NUS Sociology; Co-PI: Brenda Yeoh, NUS; and a network of 8 other collaborators) Webpage
  • 2022-2023, Ageing Immigrants and Integration Over the Lifecourse in Singapore, (PI: Elaine Ho, NUS; Co-PI: Brenda Yeoh, NUS)


  • 2023-2025, Teaching Pre-University Geography through Role-play and Deep Listening: Enhancing Geographical Inquiry using Interdisciplinary Strategies for Managing Classroom Dynamics (PI: Kamalini Ramdas, NUS; Collaborators: Menusha De Silva, NUS; Shobha Avadhani, NUS Communications and New Media; Robin Loon , NUS Theatre Studies; Josef Tan, Ministry of Education).
  • 2022-2023, Blended Learning and Interactive Fieldtrip Worksheets (PI: Menusha De Silva, NUS).

  • 2020-2021, Online Learning and Collaborative Pedagogy (Co-PIs: Kamalini Ramdas, NUS; Menusha De Silva, NUS)
Significant Publications

Bunnell, Tim

  • Gillen, J., Bunnell, T., & Rigg, J. (2022). Geographies of ruralization. Dialogues in Human Geography, 12(2), 186–203.
  • Bunnell, T., Aung-Thwin, M., Clendenning, J. N., Goh, D. P., & Smith, N. R. (2022). Points of persuasion: Truth spots in future city development. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40(6), 1082–1099.

Banta, Vanessa

  • Banta, V. (2023). Unsettling Migrant Reintegration: The Serial Risk-Taking of Returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) to Cordillera, Philippines. Antipode, 55(1), 27–48.
  • Banta, V. & Pratt, G. (2022). Immobilised by the pandemic: Filipino domestic workers and seafarers in the time of COVID-19. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Online Version.

Brady, Dylan

  • Brady, D. (2021). Between nation and state: Boundary infrastructures, communities of practice and everyday nation-ness in the Chinese rail system. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(7), 1436–1452.

Chang, T.C.

  • Chang, T.C. (2022). Van Gogh in the neighborhood: creative placemaking and community art in Singapore. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(5), 1500-1517.
  • Ning, Y., & Chang, T.C. (2022). Production and consumption of gentrification aesthetics in Shanghai’s M50. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(1), 184-199.

De Silva, Menusha

  • De Silva, M., & Gandhi, K. (2019). “Daughter” as a positionality and the gendered politics of taking parents into the field. Area, 51(4), 662-669.
  • De Silva, M. (2018). Making the emotional connection: Transnational eldercare circulation within Sri Lankan-Australian transnational families. Gender, Place & Culture, 25(1), 88-103.

Ho, Elaine

  • Ho, E.L.E. (2019) Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration and Re-migration Across China’s Borders. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  • Ho, E.L.E., Zhou, G., Liew, J.A., Chiu, T.Y., Huang, S., & Yeoh, B.S.A. (2021) Webs of Care: Qualitative GIS Research on Aging, Mobility, and Care Relations in Singapore. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111, 1462–1482.

Lin Weiqiang

Ramdas, Kamalini

Xiao, Allen

Yeoh, Brenda

  • Yeoh, B.S.A., Somaiah, B.C., Lam, T. and Acedera, K.F. (2020). Doing Family in “Times of Migration”: Care Temporalities and Gender Politics in Southeast Asia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(6), 1709-1725.
  • Yeoh, B.S.A. and Collins, F. (2022). Handbook on Transnationalism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

*from 2017 onwards

Name Editorship Editorial Board
Bunnell, Tim
  1. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, Co-editor (2012-2019)
  1. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
  2. European Journal of East Asian Studies
  3. Journal of Regional and City Planning
  4. Pacific Affairs
  5. Regional Studies, Regional Science
  6. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
  7. Urban Geography
Chang, T.C.
  1. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, Associate-editor, (2012-present)
  1. Current Issues in Tourism
  2. International Journal of Tourism Cities
Ho, Elaine
  1. Social and Cultural Geography (2019-present)
  1. Citizenship Studies
  2. Emotions, Society and Space
  3. Global Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region Book Series, Anthem Press
  4. Global Networks
  5. Journal of Chinese Overseas
  6. Key Thinkers on Space and Place (3rd edition), Sage
  7. Mobility and Politics Book Series, Palgrave McMillan Pacific Affairs
  8. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
Lin, Weiqiang
  1. Mobility in History, The Yearbook of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, Assistant Editor (2015-present)
  2. Transfers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, Section editor for Ideas in Motion (2018-present)
  1. Dialogues in Human Geography
  2. Digital Geography and Society
  3. Journal of Transport geography
  4. Mobilities
  5. Mobility Humanities
Yeoh, Brenda
  1. ARI-Springer Asia Series (Series Editor, March 2009-present)
  2. Population, Space and Place (Co-editor, 2021-2023)
  1. Amsterdam University Press New Mobilities in Asia Series
  2. Applied Mobilities
  3. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
  4. Asian Population Studies
  5. Cultural Geographies
  6. Current Sociology
  7. Development, Justice & Citizenship, part of the ‘IPE, Development and Environment’ book series within Palgrave Macmillan
  8. Diversities
  9. Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia (Portuguese Journal of Geography)
  10. Gender, Technology and Development ((Advisory Board)
  11. Genealogy
  12. Geographical Research
  13. Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation (GOJST) Series
  14. Geography Compass (Development Geography Section)
  15. I.B. Tauris’ Monograph Series on Historical Geography Series
  16. International Migration Review (IMR)
  17. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS)
  18. Migration, Mobility and Displacement
  19. Migration and Society Journal
  20. Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Diversity
  21. NIAS’ Gendering Asia Book Series
  22. Progress in Human Geography
  23. Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts
  24. The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs
  25. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geografie (TESG or Journal of Social and Economic Geography)

Last updated on 15 August 2023


SCG welcomes many international visitors, some on funded NUS fellowships, others financed through other sources. If you are keen to visit Geography at NUS and work in the social and cultural field then please contact Elaine Ho. Further details on fellowships can be found here.

Visiting Professors

Eugene McCann, Simon Fraser University (Aug 2022 – May 2023)
Helga Leitner, Institute of Global Studies, University of Minnesota (Feb-May 2009)

Visiting Scholars Scheme / Isaac Manasseh Meyer Fellows (IMMF)

Ann E. Bartos, School of Environment, Auckland University (October 3-16 2016)

Tim Oakes, Department of Geography, University of Colorado (January 2014)

Tim Oakes-"The IMMF scheme was a great opportunity to work with colleagues in Geography and take advantage of the dynamic research environment at NUS. It was especially valuable to have the time to think about and develop new collaborative projects."

L-R: Harng Luh, Tim, and Chris McMorran

Mark Boyle, Department of Geography, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Sept-Oct 2012)
Sallie Marston, School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona (April 2012)

"I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to visit NUS Geography for an extended period, thanks to the IMMF scheme.  It was stimulating to be able to spend time with colleagues and students presenting my work and discussing my plans for a Singapore-based project.  NUS-Geography is an impressive department full of smart and highly productive faculty, grads and administrative staff and Singapore is an interesting and engaging place to visit. I'd go back in a heartbeat!"

Sallie Marston

Linda Malam, Department of Geography, University of Otago (June 2011)
Katharyne Mitchell, Department of Geography, University of Washington (Feb 2011)

Linda Peake, Department of Social Science, York University (Feb-Mar 2009)
Jonathan Beaverstock, University of Loughborough (23 Feb to 9 Mar 2009)
Simon Guy, University of Manchester, (3 to 29 May 2009)

Amanda Wise, Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie University (Jan-Feb 2008)

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