Career Services

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The faculty works closely with the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) to provide a range of career services for the students of FASS. CFG is a new-era career centre that helps NUS students and organisations thrive in a world of constant change, ensuring they are truly ready for the future. This is accomplished by providing students with access to career-readiness programmes, career and internship opportunities, professional career advisory and valuable industry insights. To learn more, please visit the CFG Career Resources page.

Career Advisory

A dedicated team of CFG career advisors are based in FASS to support your career ambitions. They can support you in a variety of ways, such as providing career consultations, resume critique, mock interviews as well as internship and networking advisory. You can book an in-person meeting with your respective career advisor on NUS TalentConnect:

  1. Log in to NUS TalentConnect
  2. Click on the "Career Advisory" Tab
  3. Click on "Request New Appointment". You may choose to meet with either of the Career Advisors tagged to you.

CFG Satellite Office at FASS: 5 Arts Link, AS7-04-22, The Shaw Foundation Building, Singapore 117570

Coaching Room: 5 Arts Link, AS7-04-23, The Shaw Foundation Building, Singapore 117570

For students who are unable to secure an appointment on TalentConnect, kindly write to the FASS Team at

Career Advisory

For students in their respective majors, please approach the Career Advisor as assigned to you on TalentConnect.




Social Work

Career Advisory

Career Advisory

Communications & New Media
Global Studies (Incld. JDP-UNC Global Studies)
Undeclared Plan

Chinese Language
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies
Malay Studies
South Asian Studies
Southeast Asian Studies

English Language
English Literature (Incld. JDP-UNC Eng. Lit)

Theatre and Performance Studies

Career Advisory

Career Advisory


Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Political Science

Career Advisory

Career Advisory


Career Advisory

Additional Resources

Are you looking for additional career support and resources? Click on the links below to see the upcoming career events, workshops, career opportunities and new initiatives brought to you by CFG!

  • CFG website: Explore a range of future-ready resources
  • conNectUS: Meet other students and AlumNUS, share ideas, and acquire insights and opportunities through this networking platform
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