Faculty Level Partners

Partner University Undergraduate Exchange Graduate Exchange Summer School Joint Degree Programme Double Degree Programme Concurrent Degree Programme Research Collaboration
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Yes  No No Joint Bachelor of Arts (Honours) No No No
King’s College London No No No Yes

• Joint PhD Programme

No No No
Leiden University

(Humanities and Hague)

Yes No No No No No


Harvard-Yenching Institute No Yes

• Joint Scholarship for PhD Studies

No No No No No
Fudan University

(School of Social Development and Policy Policy)


Yes Yes No No No No No
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

(School of International and Public Affairs)


Yes Yes No No No No No
University of Hong Kong No Yes

(Applicable only to Department of Social Work students)

No No No No No
Rikkyo University Yes Yes No No No No Yes
Ritsumeikan University Yes Yes No No No No Yes
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Yes  



No No No No Yes
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

(College of Hakka Studies and College of Humanities and Social Sciences)

Yes Yes No No No No No
National Chengchi University Yes Yes No No No No No
Korea University

(Division of International Studies and College of Political Science & Economics)


(only for Global Studies, Economics and Politics majors)

Yes No No No No No
Ewha Womans University

(College of Social Sciences)


Yes Yes No No No No No
Erasmus University Rotterdam

(School of History,Culture & Communication and School of Social and Behavioural Sciences)

Yes No No No No No No
Georg-August University of Gottingen Yes Yes No No No No No
Lund University

(Faculty of Social Sciences and School of Economics and Management

Yes No No No No No No
Stockholm School of Economics Yes Yes

(Applicable only to FASS Department of Economics students)


No No No No No
Sciences Po Bordeaux Yes No No No No No No
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