Science, Technology & Society Cluster

News & Events
We greatly regret to inform you that the FASS Science, Technology & Society (STS) Research Cluster will be closed as of 31 March 2018. We would like to thank you for your participation and interest in the cluster. Moving forward, if there are any research collaborations we can help you with, please get in touch with us at
Thank you!
About Us
S.T.S. stands for ‘Science, Technology, and Society’, an established interdisciplinary field first organized in North America in the early 1970s. Recognizing the need for social scientists and humanities scholars to study the immense influence of science & technology on modern social, political, and cultural life, STS normally serves as a meeting ground on which C.P. Snow’s ‘two cultures’ (the sciences on the one hand, and the arts and social sciences on the other) can come to critical terms with each others’ methods, histories, objects, and interests. The faculty of the STS Research Cluster at NUS consists of historians, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, philosophers, critical theorists, media studies scholars, public policy scholars and others who share curiosity about how science and technology function in the social world. Related to the STS Research Cluster is an Undergraduate STS Minor, which is open to students from any faculty in the university. NUS does not yet have an STS graduate program, but graduate students with this interest are accepted and supervised across a number of departments, and are free to participate in the activities of the cluster. The STS Research Cluster also sponsors post-doctoral and other visiting positions for scholars who share our research interests. Our cluster members also work wih two University level research institutes: ARI (Asia Research Institute) and IDMI (Interactive and Digital Media Institute). Because Singapore is a center for cutting-edge scientific and technological R&D, we are particularly (though not exclusively) interested in social science and humanities research which contextualizes this phenomenon, not only in Singapore but in Asia generally. As the only English-language center of STS-related research in East and Southeast Asia, we provide a unique site for collaboration with overseas scholars who are curious about the sci/tech-society relationship.
Contact Us
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570
Science, Technology, and Society Cluster
Fax : (65) 67794662