FASS International Relations

Even as NUS charts its globalisation direction, there are now tremendous opportunities for the Faculty to tap into an international network to enhance its research activities, student exchange programmes and establish value-added degree programmes with other partner universities.

The International Relations Office at FASS seeks to enhance and increase the overseas educational exposure experiences and opportunities for our students. We want to extend information and services to international students coming here to FASS for their semester away; to equip faculty members with information on staff exchanges, facilitate and to promote greater research collaborative opportunities with faculty from our partner universities.

We are responsible for the setting up of student exchange agreements to give our students more options and opportunities for a chance at study abroad both at the graduate and undergraduate level. FASS Student Exchange Programme, which is administered by the International Office, allows students to spend a semester or two overseas in a foreign partner university, for which agreements have been signed at the University or Faculty level.We also have several undergraduate and graduate degree programmes with our partner universities such as University of North Carolina, King's College, London and Australian National University to stretch our best students.

In addition, we will also be the information source for international students who wants to come to FASS for study abroad; both for sampling our course offering as well as making use of the research facilities at FASS. Ultimately FASS International Office wants to make FASS an exciting place for students to study and for faculty members, a progressive place to work.

Study Abroad @ FASS
Study Abroad @FASS is a blog for students interested to head for exchange, summer schools or any sort of overseas educational activities. Sign up for alerts to the blog for the latest news on all study abroad activities such as summer schools, exchange applications, etc.

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