Application and Application Periods

The University has not engaged any external agencies to undertake graduate student recruitment on its behalf. Candidates interested in our graduate programmes are advised to apply directly to the University and not through any agents. Candidates who apply through agents will not have any added advantage in gaining admission and the University reserves the right to reject such applications without giving reasons.


Application forms for admission to graduate research programmes, with or without scholarship, are available online.

Please read the general instructions here first before proceeding to apply online. For access to the online system, please visit the website here.

Application Periods


There are two intakes per academic year - one in Semester I (August) and the other in Semester II (January).

All the departments/programmes offer a Semester I (August) intake. Some departments/programmes also offer a Semester II (January) intake. The application periods are indicated in the table below. Do note that not all faculties have the same application period.

Intake Application Period Departments/Programmes open for application
Semester I
1 April
(in the year preceding the intake) to
1 December
(in the year preceding the intake)
16 May
(in the year preceding the intake)
to 1 November
(in the year preceding the intake)
Chinese Studies
Communications and New Media
Comparative Asian Studies
Cultural Studies in Asia
English, Linguistics & Theatre Studies
Japanese Studies
Malay Studies
Political Science
Social Work
Sociology & Anthropology
South Asian Studies
Southeast Asian Studies
Semester II
2 November
(more than a year preceding the intake)
to 15 May
(in the year preceding the intake)
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies

Please ensure that the department(s)/programme(s) you are interested in is open for application before you make your submission(s). Applications received after the deadlines will be considered for the next relevant intake.

Each application must be accompanied by an application fee which is not refundable:

  • Application fee for online application is at S$50.00 (inclusive of GST)

Outcome of applications will be made known by 31st May for the Semester I (August) intake, or by 31st October for the Semester II (January) intake.

Application for Joint Degree Programmes