Career Compass Series


Assessment Tasks of Career Compass Series

HS1401A Career Compass I

Assessment Tasks of HS1401A Career Compass I

Assessment Tasks Deadline Navigating Canvas

To obtain CS (Completed Satisfactorily) grade, students are required to attain at least 100 points by completing activities.

An overview of the points system can be found on Canvas under "Activities" module section when AY24/25 begins.

Submission of activity completion will be done on Canvas Assignments.

30 Mar 2025

When the AY begins, complete the 2 steps below to access the list of activities and details:

  1. Watch the Career Compass Introductory Video, and
  2. Complete the Personal Career Plan (PCP) Quiz to let us get to know you better

For the list of activities and details, refer to "Activities" module section.

For instructions on how to submit assignments, refer to "Student Guide" under "Welcome to HS1401A Career Compass I!" module section.

To find out how to navigate Canvas, refer to this link.

HS1402A Career Compass II

Assessment Tasks of HS1402A Career Compass II

Assessment Tasks Deadline Navigating Canvas

To obtain CS (Completed Satisfactorily) grade, students are required to attain at least 100 points by completing activities.

An overview of the points system can be found on Canvas under "Activities" module section when AY24/25 begins.

Submission of activity completion will be done on Canvas Assignments.

30 Mar 2025

When the AY begins, complete the following to access the list of activities and details:

  1. Complete the Personal Career Plan (PCP) Quiz to let us get to know you better

For the list of activities and details, refer to "Activities" module section.

For instructions on how to submit assignments, refer to "Student Guide" under "Welcome to HS1402A Career Compass II!" module section.

To find out how to navigate Canvas, refer to this link.

HS1403A Career Compass III

Assessment Tasks of HS1403A Career Compass III

Assessment Tasks Deadline Navigating Canvas

To obtain CS (Complete Satisfactorily) grade, students are required to attain at least 100 points by completing activities.

An overview of the points system can be found on Canvas under "Activities" module section when AY24/25 begins.

Submission of activity completion will be done on Canvas Assignments.

30 Mar 2025

When the AY begins, complete the following to access the list of activities and details:

  1. Complete the Personal Career Plan (PCP) Quiz to let us get to know you better

For the list of activities and details, refer to "Activities" module section.

For instructions on how to submit assignments, refer to "Student Guide" under "Welcome to HS1403A Career Compass III!" module section.

To find out how to navigate Canvas, refer to this link.

HS1404A Career Compass IV

Assessment Tasks of HS1404A Career Compass IV

Assessment Tasks Deadline Navigating Canvas

To obtain CS (Complete Satisfactorily) grade, students are required to attain at least 100 points by completing activities.

An overview of the points system can be found on Canvas under "Activities" module section when AY24/25 begins.

Submission of activity completion will be done on Canvas Assignments.

30 Mar 2025 When the AY begins, complete the following to access the list of activities and details:

  1. Complete the Personal Career Plan (PCP) Quiz to let us get to know you better

For the list of activities and details, refer to "Activities" module section.

For instructions on how to submit assignments, refer to "Student Guide" under "Welcome to HS1404A Career Compass IV!" module section.

To find out how to navigate Canvas, refer to this link.