Pre-allocation of CHS Common Curriculum Courses (Cohort 2021 Onwards)

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    CHS Common Curriculum

    The CHS Common Curriculum is a graduation requirement for all CHS students. It consists of Common Core Courses, Integrated Courses and Interdisciplinary Courses, as seen below.

    Students are strongly encouraged to complete the Common Core and Integrated Courses by the end of their fourth semester.

    For more information on the courses that students can read to clear each requirement, please click here.

    Common Core

    1. Writing (FAS1101)
    2. Data Literacy (GEA1000)
    3. Digital Literacy (GEI1001)
    4. Design Thinking (DTK1234)
    5. Artificial Intelligence
    6. Communities and Engagement

    Integrated Courses

    1. Integrated Asian Studies (HSA1000)
    2. Integrated Social Sciences (HSS1000)
    3. Integrated Humanities (HSH1000)
    4. Scientific Inquiry I (HSI1000)
    5. Scientific Inquiry II

    Interdisciplinary Courses

    1. Course Choice I
    2. Course Choice II

    *CHS students will be required to choose from a basket of interdisciplinary courses to read in their third year.

    Overview of Pre-Allocated Courses

    Please note the following:

    1. Courses can be pre-allocated in any of the semesters marked with ‘X’.
    2. For the Integrated courses (i.e. HSA1000, HSH1000, HSI1000, HSS1000), students will be pre-allocated with any 2 out of the 4 courses per semester.
    3. For DTK1234 and GEA1000, either 1 of the courses will be pre-allocated per semester.
    4. PPE-XDP students are exempted from HSH1000 and HSS1000.
    5. PPE-XDP freshmen will be pre-allocated with any one of the gateway courses in the first semester: GEX1015 (Philosophy), PS1101E (Political Science), or EC1101E (Economics).
    6. FASS Students who have declared a second major or minor in Statistics (ST) or Data Science and Analytics (DSA) before the stipulated deadline for each academic year will not be pre-allocated GEA1000, since the ST and DSA gateway courses fulfill the Data Literacy pillar.
    7. Please refer to the FAQs regarding the pre-allocation of gateway courses
    Fulfils Requirements Course 1 2 3 4 Remarks
    Primary Major Gateway Course X Students will be pre-allocated with the gateway course of their declared first major.
    Data Literacy GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning X X Fulfils GE Data Literacy Pillar.
    Design Thinking DTK1234 Design Thinking X X
    Writing FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences X X Students who are required to read ES1000 Foundation Academic English and/or ES1103 English for Academic Purposes must pass those courses before they will be pre-allocated FAS1101.
    Digital Literacy GEI1001 Computational Reasoning X* X* Fulfils GE Digital Literacy Pillar.

    *Students from Cohort 2022 onwards will register for the Digital Literacy course on their own.

    Integrated Asian
    HSA1000 Asian Interconnections X X Fulfils GE Cultures and Connections Pillar.
    Integrated Humanities HSH1000 The Human Condition X X Fulfils GE Critique and Expression Pillar.
    Integrated Social Sciences HSS1000 Understanding Social Complexity X X Fulfils GE Singapore Studies Pillar.
    Scientific Inquiry I HSI1000 How Science Works, Why Science Works X X

    Pre-allocation Guidelines by Cohort

    Please refer to the guidelines for your own cohort only. The cohort year refers to the year that you matriculated.

    For e.g., if you had matriculated in AY2021/2022, you will belong to Cohort 2021.

    Generally, students will be pre-allocated the CHS Common Curriculum courses by matriculation number (see table below). However, there may be exceptions: in the scenario where the number of students who have declared a primary major within CHS exceeds the quota available for DKT1234 in the first semester, they may be pre-allocated DTK1234 and/or GEA1000 in the second semester.

    Major / Programme Last Digit of Matric Number Year 1 Year 2
    Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2

    FASS Students*

    (except NUSC, UTCP, RVRC, XDP students)


    HSA1000, HSS1000, DTK1234

    HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000 NIL
    FAS1101 in either semester
    Odd HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000 HSA1000, HSS1000, DTK1234 NIL
    FAS1101 in either semester
    FASS Students in UTCP/RVRC


    HSA1000, HSS1000

    HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000 DTK1234 in either semester
    Odd HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000 HSA1000, HSS1000 DTK1234 in either semester
    FASS Students in both UTCP/RVRC and LPP Even HSA1000, HSS1000 HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000

    DTK1234 in either semester

    Odd HSH1000, HSI1000 HSA1000, HSS1000, GEA1000
    FASS Students in LPP


    HSA1000, HSS1000, DTK1234

    HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000 FAS1101 NIL

    HSH1000, HSI1000, GEA1000

    HSA1000, HSS1000, DTK1234 FAS1101 NIL
    PPE-XDP Students Even HSA1000, DTK1234 HSI1000, GEA1000 NIL
    FAS1101 in either semester
    Odd HSI1000, GEA1000 HSA1000, DTK1234 NIL
    FAS1101 in either semester
    DSE-XDP Students
    (refer to Faculty of Science website for more details)

    HSI1000, HSH1000,  CS1010S

    HSA1000, HSS1000, DTK1234 NIL
    BES-XDP Students
    (refer to Faculty of Science website for more details)
    Even HSA1000, HSS1000 HSI1000, HSH1000 NIL
    Odd HSI1000, HSH1000 HSA1000, HSS1000
    FASS Students in NUSC

    Even DTK1234 NIL NIL
    Odd NIL DTK1234

    *FASS students who have submitted their Academic Plan Declaration by deadline set by Dean's Office.

    Exemption from CHS Common Curriculum Courses for Students in UTCP, NUSC, RVRC or PPE-XDP

    CHS Common Curriculum Courses UTCP NUSC RVRC PPE-XDP
    Asian Studies (HSA1000)   X    
    Humanities (HSH1000)   X   X
    Social Sciences (HSS1000)   X   X
    Scientific Inquiry I (HSI1000)   X    
    Scientific Inquiry II   X    
    Artificial Intelligence   X    
    Communities and Engagement X X X  
    Data Literacy   X    
    Digital Literacy   X    
    Design Thinking        
    Writing X X X  
    Interdisciplinary Course I X X X X
    Interdisciplinary Course II X X X X


    1. Students who have completed the special programme requirements (i.e. UTCP, NUSC, RVRC or PPE-XDP) are exempted from taking CHS Common Curriculum courses as indicated by 'X' in the above table.
    2. Students are advised to check with their respective programmes for more details.
    3. For students in UTCP, one course from either the Data Literacy or Digital Literacy pillar will fulfil the 5th UTCP course requirement.

    (Table Updated: 1 Nov 2022)

    Generally, students will be pre-allocated the CHS Common Curriculum courses by matriculation number (see table below). However, there may be exceptions: in the scenario where the number of students who have declared a primary major within CHS exceeds the quota available for DKT1234 in the first semester, they may be pre-allocated DTK1234 and/or GEA1000 in the second semester.

    Major / Programme Last Digit of Matric Number Year 1 Year 2
    Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2

    FASS Students*

    (except CNM, USP, UTCP, RVRC, XDP students)


    HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000

    HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234 GEI1001 in either semester
    FAS1101 in either semester
    EVEN HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234 HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000 GEI1001 in either semester
    FAS1101 in either semester
    CNM Students*


    HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234 HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000 GEI1001 in either semester

    FAS1101 in either semester

    FASS Students in USP


    GEA1000 DTK1234 GEI1001 in either semester


    DTK1234 GEA1000 GEI1001 in either semester
    PPE-XDP Students ODD HSA1000, GEA1000 HSI1000, DTK1234 GEI1001 in either semester
    FAS1101 in either semester
    EVEN HSI1000, DTK1234 HSA1000, GEA1000 GEI1001 in either semester
    FAS1101 in either semester
    FASS Students in UTCP/RVRC


    HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000

    HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234 GEI1001 in either semester
    EVEN HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234 HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000 GEI1001 in either semester
    FASS Students in both UTCP/RVRC and LPP ODD HSA1000, HSH1000 HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234

    GEI1001 in either semester,

    GEA1000 or DTK1234

    EVEN HSS1000, HSI1000 HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000
    FASS Students in LPP


    HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000

    HSS1000, HSI1000, DTK1234

    FAS1101 (Semester 1),

    GEI1001 in either semester


    HSS1000, HSI1000,  DTK1234

    HSA1000, HSH1000, GEA1000
    DSE-XDP Students
    (refer to Faculty of Science website for more details)
    ALL HSA1000, HSH1000, CS1010S HSI1000, HSS1000 NIL
    BES-XDP Students
    (refer to Faculty of Science website for more details)
    ODD HSA1000, HSH1000 HSI1000, HSS1000 GEI1001 NIL
    EVEN HSI1000, HSS1000 HSA1000, HSH1000 GEI1001

    *FASS students who submitted their Academic Plan Declaration by 15 July 2021, 2359.

    Exemption from CHS Common Curriculum Courses for Students in UTCP, USP, RVRC or PPE-XDP

    CHS Common Curriculum Courses UTCP USP RVRC PPE-XDP
    Asian Studies (HSA1000)   X    
    Humanities (HSH1000)   X   X
    Social Sciences (HSS1000)   X   X
    Scientific Inquiry I (HSI1000)   X    
    Scientific Inquiry II   X    
    Artificial Intelligence   X    
    Communities and Engagement X X X  
    Data Literacy        
    Digital Literacy        
    Design Thinking        
    Writing X X X  
    Interdisciplinary Course I X X X X
    Interdisciplinary Course II X X X X


    1. Students who have completed the special programme requirements (i.e. UTCP, USP, RVRC or PPE-XDP) are exempted from taking CHS Common Curriculum courses as indicated by 'X' in the above table.
    2. Students are advised to check with their respective programmes for more details.
    3. For students in UTCP, one course from either the Data Literacy or Digital Literacy pillar will fulfil the 5th UTCP course requirement.

    (Table Updated: 1 Nov 2022)

    CHS Common Curriculum Courses for DDP Students

    Please refer to the the CHS Double Degree Programme page for more details on application and DDP graduation requirements.

    Website Instructions

    Refer to Tables A and E - under programme structure of your cohort

    Website Instructions

    Refer to Tables A and B – of either Economics-IS or Economics-BZA, under the programme structure of your cohort 

    Website Instructions
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