We are now open for nominations! If you or someone your know have started initiatives that made a significant positive impact on the communities they serve, and who exemplify the qualities and values that the FASS Student Leadership Award (FSLA) seeks to promote — now is the time to nominate yourself/them so they get the recognition they deserve.
Please download the nomination forms below.
General Eligibility Criteria
* Nominees must be current students or have recently graduated from the University.
* Nominees must have obtained at least the following GPA:
– 3.20 (Pass with merit) for Undergraduates
– 3.00 for Graduate Diploma students
– 3.50 for Masters (Research and Coursework) students
– 4.00 for PhD students
* Nominees must not have committed any disciplinary offences and/or flouted any University guidelines governing student activities, e.g. Financial Guidelines, during the period of evaluation.
* Nominees should be nominated only for achievements within the period 1 June 2023 - 31 May 2024.
* Only achievements pertaining to student CCAs that are not part of an academic project, or module requirement will be considered.
* Nominated projects or initiatives that are an extension of candidates’ research curriculum, Honours or Masters Theses may not be considered.
* Self-nominations are acceptable.
* Supporting evidence, where indicated, should be provided.
* Nominees are to enter their submissions in only one category (i.e. Individual or Group category).