Double Major Programmes

Double majors are conceived as an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge and capacities with a significant degree of depth by pursing a second major alongside their primary major. In collaboration with other faculties within NUS, FASS offers direct admission for the following structured double major programmes for suitably qualified FASS students. Alternatively, students may still apply to read a second major after being admitted.

FASS Major Second Major Admission requirements
Communications and New Media* Management H1 pass or equivalent in Mathematics
Economics* Information Systems H2 pass or equivalent in Mathematics
Economics* Business Analytics H2 pass or equivalent in Mathematics
Economics* Management H1 pass or equivalent in Mathematics
Psychology* Management H1 pass or equivalent in Mathematics

As these are structured progarmmes, courses have been identified to allow for double-counting between the two majors. This means that students would be able to plan their courses to complete their Honours degree requirements and the second major requirements, within the four years, without having to extend their candidature. Alternatively, students may still apply to read second major after being admitted. All FASS subjects (except Global Studies) are available as second major options, and FASS students are welcome to double-major in subjects offered by other Faculties as well.

*Note: As the double-major programme ultimately culminates in a single degree, the first major listed in the table will be your primary major (i.e. the one printed on your degree scroll). You cannot be enrolled in the Honours Programme for your second major. It will, however, be recorded in your transcript.