Between Mobility and Place-making: The Worlds of Southeast Asia in Modern Chinese Literature | 在流动与地方创生之间: 现代华文与华人文学里的东南亚世界

Sponsored by the Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Distinguished Fellowship on Southeast Asia.

Co-organized by Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Research Division, National University of Singapore and Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University.

Language: English, Chinese (with simultaneous interpretation)

Date: 28 January 2021, 29 January 2021, 4 February 2021, 5 February 2021
Venue: Online via Zoom
Contact Person: Andrew Chang


The workshop engages with the globalization turn of modern Chinese literary and cultural studies since the 2000s, in which the Southeast Asian context figures prominently. Contrary to its marginality in many other disciplines, the region — also known by antecedent ethno-geographical appellations such as “Nanyang” (the South Seas) and “Nusantara” (the Other Islands) — has been central to the recent remapping of global Chinese literature. In addition, Southeast Asia has played a crucial but largely unrecognized role in coining meta-concepts to re-frame the study of Chinese cultural areas at critical junctures. For instance, “Cultural China,” the oft-invoked concept in the 1990s to eschew a singular geopolitical and cultural authority embodied by the mainland state, was first proposed by diasporic Malaysian Chinese writers in the 1970s. From the mid-2000s on, the vibrant multi-sited formation of Malaysian Chinese-language literature has invigorated the concept of the Sinophone, formulated to disprivilege China and re-configure center-periphery cultural relations that structure the new cartography of Chinese-language literature. To date scholars have not agreed on the most apposite term to characterize the cultural formations that lie primarily outside mainland China. From “Chinese,” “Sinophone” to “Sino-Southeast Asia,” the plurality of designations underscore the contested interpretations of Sinitic literary practices within and connected to the region.

Keeping in mind the aforementioned invocations, each with their own assumptions and strategic objectives, the ongoing debate can re-visit existing studies on the varied areal constituents of the region. Research has shown that since the 14th century, localities that correspond to current-day Southeast Asia have hosted remarkable histories of vernacularizing Sinitic literary production, which subsequently flourished from the 18th century to early 20th century. From the diversity of Sinitic script practices that inflected literary writings in Vietnam, to the Indonesian depiction of Chinese detectives in translation and original works, to the narratives by Chinese Filipinos that address the variegated condition of Chineseness and its relation to Philippine nationhood, the “language ethics,” “South-South literary exchange” and “strategic hybridity” enacted by social actors exemplify inquiries on civilizational ethos, popular culture and political economy, all of which bear upon the nature and evolution of literary modernities. What accounts for the limited critical attention on these phenomena until the recent spotlight on Malaysian Chinese-language literature (or Mahua literature, as it is locally known), and how can examining the region anew help to reconceptualise the field of modern Chinese literary studies? Besides employing the nation-state as the customary analytical unit, are there alternative scales to study transregional literary production related to places located in today’s Southeast Asia? Historically speaking, how and why have players in fields of cultural production dismantled established creative frameworks and installed new modalities of writing? In particular, the ramifications of overlapping literary traditions in various multilingual societies deserve further critical attention as they can illuminate the uneasy making of modern subjects and their hybrid cultural identities.

Focusing on the topic “Between Mobility and Place-making: The Worlds of Southeast Asia in Modern Chinese Literature,” the workshop will be held in tandem with a second workshop on the same theme at Duke University from March 11-13, 2021. Both events aim to delineate the paradigmatic potential of the geographical region for modern Chinese literary studies, especially in terms of how it can highlight modes of localized Chinese literary and cultural innovations, as well as the ways in which writers have conjugated local self-understandings and extra-local perspectives of linguistic and ethnic relations to the region. The workshops will approach “Chinese literature” in its broadest sense to include Chinese-language writings as well as literature written by ethnic Chinese authors with strong ties to Southeast Asia since the 19th century. They will also be open to parsing “localization” through different optics, by acknowledging the process as either one of absorption of foreign influence, or one engaged in adaptation to new cultural contexts.

The workshop will provide the opportunity for presenters to discuss their articles in progress, which will be reviewed for a special issue at PRISM: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature. We anticipate rich and constructive scholarly conversations. The workshop will not be recorded.

Dr. CHAN Cheow Thia
Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore

Professor Carlos ROJAS
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University



会议语言: 华语、英语(提供同步口译)

日期: 2021年1月28日, 2021年1月29日, 2021年2月4日, 2021年2月5日
地点: Zoom 线上视讯会议
联络人: Andrew Chang


本工作坊以东南亚为中心语境,探讨21世纪以来中国及华文现代文学和文化研究的全球化转向。眼下的东南亚曾以“南洋”和“群岛”(Nusantara)等民族地理名词的称说为人们所知。它在许多学科中都处于边缘位置,近年来却在重绘世界华文文学的版图时扮演关键的角色。再者,东南亚在当代为研究华族文化区域提供了创新的范式,然而其贡献亦经常被忽略。例如,英文学界在1990年代使用“文化中国”(Cultural China)的概念来稀释中国大陆所代表的独一地缘政治与文化霸权,但此一概念实则源于1970年代离散台湾的马华留学生的创想。自2000年代中期开始,多地共构、风貌多元的马华文学则启发了“华语语系”(Sinophone)的概念。华语语系意欲开辟华文文学研究的新格局,卸除中国的优势地位,重新制定中心与边缘的文化关系。时至今日,究竟哪个术语最能适切诠释中国境外的文化形态,学者们仍然莫衷一是。然而,无论是“中国”、“华语语系、”或是“中国-东南亚”(Sino-Southeast Asia),这些分歧的表述都凸显了学界如何争相定义东南亚内部兼或与之相关联的华文文学实践。

记取前述不同指称所个别包含的假设和目标,目前持续进行的辩论不妨重新考察关涉区域内部的现有研究。研究显示,自14世纪以来,今日的东南亚地区曾为华文文学的地方化提供了不同性质的土壤,使之在18世纪到20世纪初之间蓬勃发展。从影响越南文学书写的各种汉文实践,到印尼文学创作与翻译中对中国侦探的刻画,再到菲律宾华人性和国族论述的复杂关系,社会成员所展演的“语文伦理”(language ethics)、“南方文学交流”(South-South exchange)和“战略的混杂性”(strategic hybridity)都指向了对民族精神、大众文化和政治经济的研究,并涉及文学现代性的本质与演变。何以及至马华文学成为学界近日关注的焦点,这些现象方才进入研讨的视域?重新检视东南亚语境能如何帮助我们反思与重构中国与华文现代文学的研究范式?除了以民族国家作为惯常的分析单位,我们是否还能采用其他研究尺度来观照当下东南亚地区的跨域文学生产?从历史角度而言,文化生产的参与者是如何、又为何打破现有的创作惯性,进而锻造新的写作模式?不同的多语社会中重叠的文学传统所引发的文化现象尤为值得关注,因为它们能够说明现代主体及其混杂文化身份的形成。





Friday, 05 February 2021 - Friday, 05 February 2021

8 - 10 pm (Singapore Standard Time / 新加坡标准时间)

Zoom / Zoom 线上视讯会议