IDEAS FESTIVAL 2024 – Singapura Before Raffles: Early Modern Asia in the Global Renaissance

'IDEAS FESTIVAL 2024 - Singapura Before Raffles: Early Modern Asia in the Global Renaissance' is co-organised by the Singapore Research Nexus at the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

Date and Time: 17 April 2024, Wednesday, 3 pm – 5 pm
Venue:  NUS AS8 04-04, 10 Kent Ridge Cres, Singapore 119260
Register: In-person or Zoom

Is it true that Singapore was a small fishing village before Sir Stamford Raffles set foot in Southeast Asia? Or is there more to discover about Singapore’s story in the early global age?

This panel will discuss how early modern Singapore and Asia played important roles in shaping global ideas about maritime trade, global commerce, international law, political governance, and literary and artistic flourishing.

Drawing on new and exciting interdisciplinary research from teachers and scholars across Singapore’s universities and the wider Asia region, this interactive event will allow audience members to uncover some of the untold stories about Singapore and Asia’s historical and cultural importance for the global exchange of ideas and goods—stories that begin more than 500 years ago and continue to unfold in our present time.

Our discussion aims to shed new light on important stories about Asia’s diverse, inclusive, and vibrant past as we look ahead to the next chapter in our shared Singapore story.

Visit here to find out more about Ideas Festival 2024.

If you have any queries, please email We look forward to your attendance.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

3pm to 5pm

AS8 04-04
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