SRN Policy Outreach Event: Ageing, Health, & Policy in Singapore, 8 Nov 2024, 10am-1pm

SRN Policy Outreach Event: Ageing, Health, & Policy in Singapore, 8 Nov 2024, 10am-1pm

Ageing, Health, and Policy in Singapore

Date & Time: 10:00am-1:00pm, Friday, 8 November, 2024

Venue: NUS FASS RD Seminar Room (#6-42)/Zoom

Venue Address: NUS AS7 Shaw Foundation Building, 5 Arts Link, 117570

Directions: To get to the Research Division Seminar Room, go to Level 6 of the AS7 Shaw Foundation Building and turn right after exiting the lift, going around the corridor past the washrooms. Turn left and you will see the Research Division Seminar Room directly ahead.

In-person: Eventbrite
qr code
Online: Zoom
Programme: Download here. 

About the Event

This hybrid event, organised by the Singapore Research Nexus at NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Division, spotlights NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine academics’ research and insights on health, ageing, and policy in Singapore.

The panelists will speak about projects tied to ageing, health, and healthcare, matters of increased importance given heightened risks to older Singaporeans from a variety of diseases, the challenges of a growing population of senior citizens, and how these issues could potentially be addressed through policy.


Programme Schedule
Ageing, Health, and Policy in Singapore

NUS FASS Singapore Research Nexus & NUS YLL School of Medicine

Friday, 8 November 2024

10:00am-1:00pm (SG Time)

10:00-10:15 am

(15 mins)

10:15-10:20 am

(5 mins)

Opening Remarks by Elaine Lynn-Ee HO | Professor, Department of Geography, NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences; Senior Research Fellow, NUS Asia Research Institute; & Vice Dean of Research, NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
10:20-10:25 am

(5 mins)

Introduction of Researchers by Chair

David ALLEN | Associate Professor, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine; Senior Consultant, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, NUH; & Deputy Executive Director, NUS Centre for Population Health

10:25-10:45 am
(20 mins)
‘Social Norms and eHealth Use Among Older Adults: A Cross-Country Comparative Study’ by Shaohai JIANG | Assistant Professor, Department of Communications & New Media, NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
10:45-10:55 am

(10 mins)

Q & A
10:55-11:15 am

(20 mins)

‘How Measurement Matters in Aging and Health Studies’ by Qiushi FENG | Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
11:15-11:25 am

(10 mins)

Q & A
 11:25-11:45 am
(20 mins)
Integrating Science & Community: Early detection and multidomain interventions for dementia prevention’ by Dr Kwong Hsia YAP| Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
11:45-11:55 am
(10 mins)
Q & A
11:55 am-12:15 pm
(20 mins)
‘Nurturing Community Metamorphosis – an Empirical Approach’ by David ALLEN| Associate Professor, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine; Senior Consultant, NUH; Deputy Executive Director, NUS Centre for Population Health
12:15-12:25 pm
(10 mins)
Q & A
12:25-12:30 pm
(5 mins)
Closing Remarks by Nala LEE | Associate Professor, NUS English, Linguistics, & Theatre Studies, and Assistant Dean of Research, NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
 12:30-1:00 pm
(30 mins)
Refreshments & Networking with Participants

Friday, 08 November 2024

10am to 1pm

NUS AS7 RD Seminar Room (6-42) & Zoom
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