Family, Children & Yoth (FCY) Cluster

News & Events

Closure of the Family Children and Youth Cluster

We regret to inform you that the Family Children and Youth Cluster Cluster will be closed.

Featured Researchers

About Us

The Family, Children and Youth Cluster in the National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, is an interdisciplinary research cluster that focuses on the determinants and consequences of the well-being of family, children and youth and related public policies. The primary goal of this research cluster is to stimulate dialogue and foster cross disciplinary collaboration between students, faculty, researchers in the universities, practitioners, and policy makers so that together, critical issues and policies related to family well-being can be effectively identified and addressed. We also aim to bridge basic academic research with public policies that affect families and children. The distinctive approach of this cluster is its integration of both a life course and an international-comparative perspective into its framework. As such, the cluster members’ interests span across different age groups and regions of the world.

Cluster Aims

Family-Work Balance Gender and Sexuality
Economic Stress and Family Parental investments and Skill formation
Family, State, and Policy Identify Formation & Subjectivity
Communications, Conflicts and Disruptions in the Family Youth ‘politics’ and ‘Politics’, Political Identity/ activism, Citizenship
Race, Class, Gender and Family Youth Participation and Agency
Social Change and Family Intra-household Dynamics
Transnational/ Multicultural Families Transition to Adulthood
Health and the Family Intergenerational Mobility
Social Network and the Family Intergenerational Transfer (Relationship/ Economic)
Aging, family relations, and policies Marriage and Parenthood
Parent-Child Relationship Fatherhood
Child Welfare and policy Adoption
Childhoods Adolescent Development

Contact Us

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570

FCY Cluster
Fax : (65) 67794662

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