Class Champions

Sharing by Class Champions

“Being a Class Champion is an honour rather than a chore. Raising funds for financially needy students is meaningful as every dollar raised will help to ease their monetary worries while studying. When I was appointed as a Class Champion for the Department of Geography in 2011. I felt it was a privilege because a convenient chance was given to me to make a contribution to the school. Furthermore, I saw it as an opportunity to get my peers in the honours class involved to make it a fruitful collective contribution. Although most of my honours classmates contributed a small amount, but together as a team, we achieved quite a significant result. The fund-raising not only underscores the graduating class’ efforts to make a financial gift, but also highlights how class bonding can strengthen with a common aim to help others. Hence, the Commencement Class campaign should be seen as an exercise to extend help to financially needy students and cement firmer ties in the graduating cohort. I’m thankful for and proud to be a Class Champion”!

Shaun Lin Ziqiang (Geography Major)
FASS Class Champion, Commencement Class Giving 2011



“Four years of studying in NUS had been one of my most enriching experiences. If not for the quality education that NUS provided, I would not have grown as much both intellectually and holistically. Nearing the end of the candidature, I thought it would be meaningful to contribute back to the University. Being the Class Champion offered me such an opportunity. So, I urge you too, to make a difference and experience what it is like to make an effort so that others are helped. Make a change happen. Come forward to help, and continue the strive for quality education in which our predecessors had sown the seeds for.”

Lim Shiyun (Chinese Major)
FASS Class Champion, Commencement Class Giving 2011



“I did not jump at a chance of becoming a Class Champion, but joined because I was nominated by my Department. Despite starting off in this way. I am glad I participated in the journey as a Class Champion. In the process, I have learnt that we are often too fortunate to realise that there are people who really need financial help to gain access to an university education. Every little effort put in by us goes a long way in helping those who are in need and I am happy that I did my part in giving back to the NUS community and I am truly glad to have been a Class Champion.”

Derrick Ng (Communications and New Media Major)
FASS Class Champion, Commencement Class Giving 2011