How to Give to FASS

FASS Dean's Fund
By giving to this fund, you enable the Dean to channel resources to where it is most needed.


Our Future Bursary

Be part of the Our Future Bursary to create a virtuous cycle where alumni support the financially-needy undergraduate students, starting a continuous snowball effect through our alumni’s continuous support and recipients giving back to the Bursary after graduation. Together, we can make a difference!


FASS Graduate Students HELP Fund
Support FASS Graduate Students through this fund.


FASS Student Advancement Fund
This Fund is set up to commemorate FASS 90th anniversary. Education today has evolved and is complex. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution disrupting the way we learn and work, development of both diverse skills and knowledge is critical to help our students broaden their horizons and be prepared for the world after graduation. Such skills and knowledge are best honed through practical platforms that are no longer confined to the classroom. Thereby, we are establishing the FASS Student Advancement Fund to provide financial assistance to students, in particular those who are financially needy but not eligible for NUS bursaries. The aim is to enable them to participate in NUS educational opportunities outside of the classroom such as student exchange programmes, overseas study trips, field excursions and student emergency financial assistance


FASS Research Advancement Fund
Support FASS research advancement through this fund. 


FASS Student Advancement Bursary Fund
Allow students to develop their full potential and not be disadvantaged by their financial situation. The fund provides for bursaries and emergency aid in case of an unexpected crisis. This Fund has enabled the Faculty to award more than 100 bursaries since its inception in 2007.


FASS Student Advancement Scholarship Fund
Offer bright and needy students the opportunity to develop their full potential and optimise their learning at the Faculty.


FASS Student Leadership Fund (NEW!)
The FASS Student Leadership Fund is set up, in commemoration of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences' (FASS) 85th Anniversary, and will be used to confer Awards in recognition of student leaders who contribute beyond academic excellence, demonstrate student life leadership, foster experiential learning, enhance outreach activities within FASS and the wider community and who exemplify the "i-NUS qualities".


FASSTrack Asia Advancement Bursary Fund
The FASStrack Asia Advancement Bursary Fund will provide bursary awards to ensure some of our most financially needy students also get to experience more fully the NUS Education that is available today.


John Elliott Prize
Set up is memory of the late Associate Professor John Elliott, who joined the Pscyhology Department of the faculty in 1994, this prize aims to encouage students to strive for academic excellence in the field of developmental psychology.


NUS Economics Alumni Bursary Fund
The NUS Economics Alumni Bursary Fund provides bursaries to students who major in Economics and are assessed by NUS administrators to be needy. Your gifts will enable us to help students to develop to their full potential and not be disadvantaged by their financial situation.


NUS Sociology Alumni Bursary Fund (initiated by Pioneer Class of ’69)
The Sociology Pioneer Class of ’69 initiated and established a bursary fund in 2014, to commemorate their 45th anniversary of graduation. The Fund has been relaunched as the NUS Sociology Alumni Bursary Fund in March 2016, to commemorate the Department’s 50th Anniversary. Going forward, the NUS Sociology Alumni Bursary Fund will award at least 2 bursaries annually, in benefit of needy students who major in Sociology.

Ong Chit Chung Memorial Scholarship Fund
Honour the memory of Dr Ong Chit Chung, an exemplary FASS alumnus and former lecturer, by making a gift to support bright undergraduate students at the Faculty.


Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Visiting Professorship in Sikh Studies Fund
This fund will enable the Faculty to appoint leading humanities and social science scholars to enhance research and teaching in the field of Sikh Studies from a multicultural and global perspective. He/she will contribute to the teaching, research and leadership at the South Asian Studies Programme at FASS as well as conduct public events and/or service.


CFPR Development Fund
Support the Centre for Family and Population Research.


Communications and New Media (CNM) Advancement Fund
This fund will enable the broadening of the range of student enrichment activities and learning experiences at the Department, through the funding of academic programmes and to better support students in need, through book prizes and scholarships. This is in line with the Department's goal of ensuring that all its students receive equal opportunities to as well-rounded an education as possible, so that they may be equipped with the right skills for the media industry after graduation.


Geography Development Fund
This fund helps the Department maintain its global stature by supporting student advancement, research and facilities development, and public outreach.


History Development Fund
This fund helps to support student advancement at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and broaden their enrichment activities.


NUS Economics Alumni Endowed Bursary Fund
Support the NUS Economics Alumni Endowed Bursary Fund.


NUS Economics Alumni Fund
Support the NUS Economics Alumni Fund.


Social Incubator Programme (EF) Fund
FASS’ Social Incubator Programme will be a platform for students (with faculty oversight and advice) to work and co-develop social advancement solutions and social entrepreneurship programmes, giving students the opportunity to innovate and practice social enterprise initiatives.


Social Service Research Development Fund
Your donation to the Social Service Research Development Fund will enable SSR to be more responsive to research requests from non-profit social service organizations, in order to provide expert inputs to evidence-based practice.


Syed Hussein Alatas Memorial Lecture Fund
Named after the Department of Malay Studies’ first department head and well-respected scholar, the late Dr Syed Hussein Alatas, this lecture series aims to invite eminent scholars/leaders to deliver lectures that will contribute to deepening awareness of the Malays in the region as they confront the challenges of globalisation, change and social reconstruction.


The Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund
In memory of the late Dr Ee Peng Liang, this fund provides scholarships to students pursuing Social Work at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It also gives out Social Impact Awards to provide support and recognition to those who have demonstrated distinctive solutions to address social challenges in Asia and who have displayed commitment towards transforming lives for the better. The fund also organises the Social Service Leaders Exchange Program, with the aim of contributing to the skills and professional development of promising young social workers in the region.


The Ee Peng Liang Social Impact Award Fund
Through this award, we hope to encourage social innovations that can make a positive impact on communities. The long-term goal is to build communities of social innovators who work together to transform society and design new ways for communities to be more entrepreneurial, productive and connected.

Other Ways of Giving

Please make your cheque in favour of:

"National University of Singapore"
and send it to:

FASS Dean's Office

The Shaw Foundation Building,
Block AS7, Level 5
5 Arts Link,
Singapore 117570


You can also give by the following means:

Non-Cash Gifts (Securities and Real Estate)
Planned Gifts or Bequests

Please call Ms Rachel Lim at 6516 5912 or email her at to discuss making your gift.