Japanese Studies


Division of Asian Studies

Department of Japanese Studies



Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Japanese Studies

Minor in Japanese Studies (with effect from AY2007-08)


Master of Arts by research
Ph.D. by research

What is it about

Founded in 1981, the Department of Japanese Studies is one of the largest area studies departments devoted to the study of Japan in the Asia-Pacific region. We offer B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Japanese Studies taught by specialists with qualifications from leading universities around the world. Every year, more than 2000 undergraduate students enroll in our courses covering a broad range of disciplines including Japanese linguistics, business studies, sociology, anthropology, history, literature, religion, politics and international relations. All of our faculty members have extensive experience in Japan and are active in publishing and research.

The Department welcomes students who show a keen interest in the subject. Students are not expected to have studied the Japanese language. For those who have, placement tests will be conducted to enable them to pursue language modules appropriate for their level.

Unique Programmes

Students are given many opportunities to interact with the Japanese community in Singapore through such programmes as visiting Japanese families and companies, home stays and company internships.

Japanese Studies students are strongly encouraged to participate in language and cultural immersion programmes in Japan (which may be for either a semester or a year of study) home stays and internship programmes in order to experience Japanese culture and society first-hand, and foster a deeper understanding of Japan. Scholarships for students to pursue further training and study in Japanese universities are also available.

The Department believes in the importance of maintaining close and supportive relationships with our students. Through our mentorship programme, each major student is paired with a faculty member who monitors the individual student's academic progress over the course of his/her time at NUS.

Career Prospects

Armed with combined majors in other disciplines, graduates of the department have proven to be versatile yet sufficiently specialized for the career market. Graduates of the Department are well prepared for work in the private and public sectors, as well as in local and overseas companies and institutions which require graduates with good knowledge of Japanese language and society, and its operating values and ethos. They have helped to fill the needs of local corporations and enterprises which require employees to interact with business networks in Japan. Many graduates have also found employment in the various ministries and statutory boards, in the fields of banking and finance, marketing and management, and the mass media.

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