Migration Cluster

News & Events
Closure of the Migration Cluster
We regret to announce that the Migration Cluster has closed with effect from 31 March 2020.
About Us
The Migration Research Cluster in the National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, is an interdisciplinary research cluster focusing on issues arising from increased levels of human mobility in Asia, and aims to be the flagship of scholarship of migration and mobilities in the field of social sciences and humanities. Asian migration trends today encompass movements among a wide spectrum of peoples - professional and managerial elites, frequent flyers, contract workers, internally displaced people and refugees - cutting across class, ethnicity and gender. Asian countries feature predominantly as both the source and destination of major migration flows. Understanding a rapidly globalizing world today requires us to rethink the conceptual links between 'mobility' and 'place', the economic and socio-demographic drivers of migration, the changing characteristics of ethno-religious diaspora and transnational families worldwide, the socio-political and economic impact of thickening transnational interconnections between places, the institutionalization of these flows and interconnections, as well as the implications for the social and cultural politics of identity, citizenship, adjustment and belonging. The Migration Research Cluster promotes the encounter and integration of different perspectives, and brings together the expertise from the varied fields in the social sciences and humanities.
Contact Us
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570
Migration Cluster
Email: fassmigration@nus.edu.sg
Fax : (65) 67794662