ICT4Good/Asia Workshop with NUS CNM and NUS CivicTech Lab

ICT4Good/Asia Workshop with NUS CNM and NUS CivicTech Lab

November 8, 2021

Happening on Wednesday, 17 November: ICT4Good/Asia Workshop in collaboration with NUS Communications and New Media and NUS CivicTech Lab!

This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners pursuing ICT4Good in Asia to discuss the interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral development of the field. The morning panels feature academic topics such as educating computer science students about the civic, educating Singaporean youth about the technological, studying civic tech in human-computer interaction, and developing civic tech in Japan and Taiwan. The afternoon panels gather ICT4Good practitioners in one virtual room, discussing the various potentials of ICT4Good as a social movement, an industry, and a governance paradigm.

Enquiries at nexus@nus.edu.sg - send your full name and designation if interested to RSVP.

Download the latest program at https://fass.nus.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Programme_ICT4Good_081121-ZW.pdf

ict4good latest poster