FASS Launches Podcast Channel to Engage Next Generation
October 4, 2022
IN BRIEF | 5 min read
- Featuring a myriad voices from FASS’ diverse and dynamic community, FASSTalk is devoted to examining a host of topics ranging from academic life, students’ career aspirations to pressing global issues and strategies for their successful resolution.
The NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has launched an official podcast channel, FASSTalk. It is devoted to examining a host of topics ranging from academic life, students’ career aspirations to pressing global issues and strategies for their successful resolution.
FASSTalk will feature a myriad of voices from FASS’ diverse and dynamic community of educators, researchers, students, alumni, advisors and supporters from across every industry and sector in the public and private sector.
“NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers the knowledge of 16 Departments covering Asian Studies, the Humanities and Social Sciences, a Centre for Language Studies, cross-disciplinary programmes and interdisciplinary insights as part of the NUS College of Humanities and Sciences offered in partnership with the NUS Faculty of Science,” said FASS Dean Professor Lionel Wee. “This new endeavour, which facilitates longer-format audio and video programming, is an ideal vehicle for sharing our collective understanding – based on the depth and breadth of this broad spectrum of knowledge – of how best to prepare our graduates to meet and overcome the complex challenges of their future."
“Our podcast content is freely available globally via the Web. Our goal is to serve, inform and engage a global audience, many of whom will be the next generation of world leaders to address complex challenges and develop unique solutions to overcome them,” added Professor Wee.
FASSTalk Episodes: Where to Listen, Download
The inaugural episode, featuring alumna Sneha Sanjay (Theatre Studies and Business Management, ’21) – is available here and kicks off the Alumni Series. Subsequent episodes will highlight stories of other FASS alumni and award-winning faculty staff (under the Educator Series), as well as brief pieces on FASS’ academic programmes (Snapshot Series), and interviews with senior industry and public leaders.
Tune in, subscribe and download episodes of FASSTalk from your favourite platforms to enjoy our most informative and inspiring podcasts:
- FASS Website: https://bit.ly/fasstalk
- Podbean: https://fasstalk.podbean.com/
- Spotify: https://bit.ly/FASSTalk-Spotify