Beyond the Classroom: My Student Ambassador Experience

Beyond the Classroom: My Student Ambassador Experience

September 8, 2023

Ethan Naidu hosting a key outreach event as a FASS Student Ambassador

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Many perceive university life as primarily academic, but delve a little deeper and you’ll discover an enriching medley of experiences that can shape your educational journey. During my pursuit of a Political Science degree at NUS, I grew to appreciate the profound potential of outside-classroom initiatives, particularly the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Ambassador Programme. This initiative not only expands the scope of conventional classroom learning but also enables us to develop important skills such as leadership, public speaking, and personal growth.

The Ambassador Experience

The FASS Ambassador Programme serves two main objectives: first, to represent the NUS and FASS communities; and second, to provide opportunities to leverage students’ knowledge and skills. One of the standout features of this programme is its flexibility, allowing Student Ambassadors (SAs) to opt for a diverse range of roles. These include serving as panellists for outreach engagements like Open Houses and pre-university school visits, or acting as hosts for prospective students. While hosting, ambassadors may engage in spirited interactions during open house sessions or lead insightful discussions about academic life at NUS. As we advise prospective students, we not only pass on knowledge but also refine our own perspectives and deepen our understanding. This process enriches both us as SAs and the prospective students.

Discovering New Highs

One of my first roles was to emcee FASSxTalks (#DiscoverFASS@CHS 2023), a series of masterclass lectures tailored to give prospective students a live in-class experience. I was initially apprehensive, but the unwavering support from the team eased me through my first major public speaking engagement on stage. The invaluable feedback I received after the event included detailed critiques that illuminated areas of strength and nuances for enhancement, thus paving the way for rapid personal growth.

Representing the FASS Student Body

I also had the privilege of participating in a FASS@CHS orientation panel on career pathways, alongside members of NUS’ leadership team. The dialogue, which focused on career modules and internships, addressed the pressing concerns of prospective students. Sharing the stage with esteemed panellists, I aimed to provide insights that were both enlightening and succinct. The positive feedback I received highlighted my ability to contribute not only to the discussion but also sharing personal experiences, particularly during the high-pressure Q&A segment.

Ethan moderating a panel for the CHS Case Competition 2023

Another memorable experience during my time as an SA was moderating a panel at the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) Case Competition 2023, which explored the pressing issue of digital dependency. Engaged in deep discussion with industry experts, I learned that effective moderation involves guiding conversations and maintaining an ongoing, dynamic dialogue. This experience sharpened my skills in public discourse, spontaneous ideation, and weaving diverse viewpoints into a cohesive narrative.

Beyond my Ambassadorship

I believe my role as Vice-President of the Political Science Society of NUS (PSSOC) has not only enhanced my personal development under the SA programme but also improved my ability to perform my ambassadorial duties. The roles are similar in various aspects.

Both roles honed my interpersonal skills, underscored the value of collaborative leadership, and broadened my worldview. Within PSSOC, I played key roles in decision-making, shaping strategic vision, and fostering a tight-knit community — functions that closely parallel my responsibilities as an ambassador.

A True Bonding Experience

The value of the SA programme lies not only in its official activities but also in the deeper engagements and lessons that these activities impart. Each event and interaction is an avenue for nurturing attributes like empathy, adaptability, and collaboration.

An intrinsic strength of this programme is the profound sense of camaraderie it fosters. Our collective endeavours this past year extend beyond mere engagement, event participation, and logistical support. For us, it was in many respects a united journey toward maturation and enlightenment. The solidarity that came about when we tackled the challenges along the way, and the shared joy with which we celebrated our successes, will not be remembered just as highlights of our time at university but also as the foundation for lifelong professional relationships.

Looking Back

Reflecting on my roles in both the SA programme and PSSOC, I can say that they have been crucial to shaping my university journey. They’ve allowed me to merge rigorous academic pursuits with significant personal and professional growth. It’s clear that the more you put into the SA programme, the more you get out of it in terms of personal and professional development.

For those who are eager to venture beyond the classroom and connect with like-minded peers, this role could be an ideal fit. As I close this chapter, I’m grateful for the insights I’ve gained and the connections I’ve made. I urge all future students and aspiring ambassadors to embrace the diverse opportunities that university life provides. These experiences have the potential to shape not just your academic path but your entire career trajectory.

This story was written by third-year Political Science major, Ethan Naidu.

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Student Ambassadors are a cadre of outstanding and unique individuals who are intellectually curious, constantly on a quest for new knowledge and experiences across disciplines and geographies. They are ready to represent, support, trained to nurture and inspired to serve FASS.


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