Research Partners

The Americas

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, College of Arts and Sciences
(Undergraduate Exchange agreement and Joint Degree Programme)

Yale University
(Southeast Asia in Context Summer School)

Harvard-Yenching Institute
(Joint Scholarship for PhD Studies)

University of Utah, College of Social and Behavioral Science
(Graduate Exchange Agreement)

University of Toronto
(Joint Minor Programme)

Asia and Australia

Australian National UniversityFaculty of Asian StudiesCollege of Business and Economics
(Joint Degree Programmes- BA Hon in Actuarial Studies and Economics and MA in Southeast Asian Studies)

Monash University, Faculty of Arts
(Graduate Exchange Agreement and Faculty Scholarships Exchange Programme)

The University of Western Australia
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
(Joint Degree Programme- MA in Clinical Psychology)

Tokyo University, College of Arts and Sciences
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Hokkaido University
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(MOU for research cooperation and exchange of staff and students)

Rikkyo University
(Undergraduate Agreement and General MOU for research collaboration)

Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
(MOU for research cooperation and exchange of staff and students)

Peking University, School of Graduate Studies
Double Degree Programme- MA in Chinese Language

University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Social Sciences
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Sun Yat-Sen University
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Xiamen University
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh
(MOU for research cooperation and exchange of staff and students)


King's College, University of London
(Undergraduate Exchange and Joint PhD Programme)

University of Edinburgh
(Joint PhD Programme)

University of Manchester, Faculty of Humanities
(PhD Exchange Agreement)

University of Lancaster
Graduate Exchange Agreement

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Undergraduate Exchange Agreement

Georg-August University of Gottingen
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Lund University
(Undergraduate Exchange Agreement)

Consortium and Alliances

Consortium for Asian and African Studies with Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Leiden University and School for Oriental and African Studies, London University
(MOU for research cooperation and exchange of staff and graduate students)