PPE Programme Curriculum

Most courses in PPE are also major courses for Philosophy, Political Science, or Economics. These keep their normal major coding, for example, “EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I”, “PS3257 Political Inquiry”. The rest are multidisciplinary courses specially created for PPE. These are indicated by the “PE” coding, and the offering department is marked by the suffix (“P” for Philosophy, “S” for Political Science, and “E” for Economics”). For example, “PE2101P Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics”, which is offered by the Department of Philosophy.

Every course in PPE is managed by a particular department, including the “PE” courses. Queries about specific courses are thus best addressed to the relevant departments. This includes questions regarding the mapping of exchange courses, as each such course needs to be mapped onto a specific course in the PPE curriculum if it is to count towards the major. In general, students are not allowed to map the following courses without very special reasons: GET1029, PE2101P, PS1101E, PS2244, PS2249, PS3249, PS3257, EC1101E, EC2104, EC2101, EC2102, EC2303, EC3101, EC3102, EC3303, EC3304 and all L4000 Economics courses.

One 4000-level course may be mapped from a course read while on exchange, subject to the owning department’s approval. A second 4000-level course may be mapped if the need arises (please write in to specialization department with your justification). To map the exchange course mapped to a specific course code, write to the owning department (e.g. to map PE4101P, write to PH). If you want your exchange course mapped to a dummy code, write to the specialization department. In both cases, provide information about the prospective course's syllabus to show that it is PPE relevant.

For more queries, please approach the relevant department admin; see contact information here.

Each PPE student will need to complete the modular requirements for 1 Specialization and 2 Non-Specializations. The curriculum for each discipline, both as a Specialization and as a Non-Specialization, is below:

Philosophy Political Science Economics
Non-Specialization 1. Read and pass:

· GET1028 Logic
· PE2101P Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
· PE3101P Decision Theory and Social Choice

1. Read and pass any one:

· PS2249 Government and Politics of Singapore (CP),
· PS2244 Public Administration in Singapore (GPP)
· PS3249 Singapore’s Foreign Policy (IR)


2. Read and pass:

· PS3257 Political Inquiry


3. Read and pass any one:

· PS2234 Introduction to Comparative Politics
· PS2237 Introduction to International Relations
· PS2240 Introduction to Public Administration
· PS2258 Introduction to Political Theory

1. Read and pass:

· EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I
· EC2104 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis [See Note (b)]


2. Read and pass one:

· EC3101 Microeconomic Analysis II
· EC3312 Game Theory and Applications to Economics
· EC3322 Industrial Organisation I
· EC3351 Public Finance

Specialization 1. Read and pass:

· GET1028 Logic
· PE2101P Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
· PE3101P Decision Theory and Social Choice
· PH3202, PH3203, PH3213 or PH3230


2. Read and pass any two PH courses, with at least one at the 3000 level.

1. Read and pass any one:

· PS2249 Government and Politics of Singapore (CP),
· PS2244 Public Administration in Singapore (GPP)
· PS3249 Singapore’s Foreign Policy (IR)


2. Read and pass:

· PS3257 Political Inquiry


3. Read and pass any two:

· PS2234 Introduction to Comparative Politics
· PS2237 Introduction to International Relations
· PS2240 Introduction to Public Administration
· PS2258 Introduction to Political Theory


4. Read and pass any two other 3000 level PS courses in one of the two PS subfields read at the 2000 level from (3).

1. Read and pass:

· EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I
· EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I
· EC2104 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis [See Note (a)]
· EC3101 Microeconomic Analysis II
· EC3102 Macroeconomic Analysis II


2. Read and pass any 3000-level EC course.


(Advisory: It would be advantageous for PPE students with the EC specialization to read EC2303 and EC3303, doing 1 course beyond requirements using the Unrestricted Elective space.)

Honours Read and pass at least 10 units of 4000-level courses in the Specialization (PH/PS/EC). [See note (a)]

Read and pass at least 10 units of 4000-level PE-coded or PE-recognised courses (not including the Honours Thesis, Research Internship Project, Independent Study Course, or UROP).

Multidisciplinary Honours Thesis, Research Internship Project, Independent Study Course, or UROP (optional).

*Note (a): A maximum of 10 units of PE-recognized/EC-recognized/PS-recognized/PH-recognized courses may be used to fulfil the respective specialization requirements. The recognized course must be of the same level and discipline as the elective course it is replacing. Students may read a maximum of 5 units of EC-recognised course to count towards the level-4000 Economics specialisation requirement.

*Note (b): Students who have passed any MA course that is not MA1301 or MA1311 or MA1312 or MA1421 or any 2 units MA courses are allowed to read any level-2000 or level-3000 EC elective or EC-recognized course in lieu of EC2104 to fulfil the Economics specialisation requirement or non-specialisation requirement.