
Self-funded Programmes

The tuition fee for students, regardless of nationality, admitted in AY2024-2025 is as follows:

Degree Programme Tuition Fee Payable Per Programme
Master of Arts (Arts and Cultural Entrepreneurship) S$44,908
Master of Arts (Applied and Public History)
Master of Arts (Asian and Global History)
Master of Arts (Chinese Culture and Language) S$40,500
Master of Arts (Contemporary Southeast Asia) S$42,782.50
Master of Arts (English Language and Linguistics)
Master of Arts (Literary Studies)
Master of Arts (Theatre and Performance Studies) S$40,493.60
Master of Economics S$55,000
Master of Psychology (Clinical) S$81,400
Master of Science (Applied Geographic Information Systems)  S$50,085
Master of Science (Climate Change and Sustainability) S$54,500
Master of Communication S$39,294.50
Master of Social Work S$49,050
Graduate Diploma in Applied and Public History
Graduate Diploma in Asian and Global History
Graduate Diploma in Climate Change and Sustainability S$32,700
Graduate Diploma in Contemporary Southeast Asia S$25,669.50

  1. All fee amounts quoted above are inclusive of prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST) which is at 9%.
  2. A late fee may be imposed for fees which are not fully paid by the due date indicated in the bill each semester.
  3. All Singaporeans aged 25 and above may use their S$500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Singapore website to choose from the courses available on the SkillsFuture Credit course directory.
  4. Students who are Singapore Citizens/Singapore Permanent Residents in the Master of Social Work programme may be eligible for SkillsFuture subsidies for selected elective courses. Please refer to the programme's website here for more details.
  5. Under the NUS Master's by Coursework Enhanced Tuition Fee Rebate scheme, Singaporeans and Permanent Residents enrolling into the above self-funded Master's programmes, except Master of Psychology (Clinical) and Master of Social Work, will be able to enjoy a 40% tuition fee rebate from AY2024/2025 to AY2026/2027. Under the NUS Master's Degree by Coursework Tuition Fee Rebate scheme, Singaporeans and Permanent Residents enrolling into the above self-funded Master's programmes, including Master of Psychology (Clinical) and Master of Social Work, will receive a 10% tuition fee rebate while NUS alumni, regardless of nationality, will receive a 20% rebate. The rebate will be automatically applied to the tuition fees, and eligible students need not apply for it. Please visit the NUS Master's by Coursework Enhanced Tuition Fee Rebate website and the NUS Master's Degree by Coursework Tuition Fee Rebate website for more details. Some Master's programmes may offer rebates or other forms of financial assistance; prospective students can contact the respective departments offering the specific programme to find out more. Students may enjoy only one form of tuition fee rebate, other scholarships, study awards, grants, sponsorships, bursaries, or other types of financial assistance.
  6. For more information on tuition fees, please refer to the respective programme websites here.


MOE-subsidised Programmes

The tuition fee for students admitted in AY2024-2025 is as follows:

Degree Programme

Tuition Fee Payable Per Annum

Fee payable by students in receipt of MOE subsidy

Fee payable by students not in receipt of MOE subsidy  

Singapore Citizens Singapore Permanent Residents Singapore Citizens Singapore Permanent Residents and International Students
Graduate Diploma in Social Work S$9,600/

  1. All fees quoted here are in Singapore Dollars (S$). The cohort-based fee system is introduced for the new graduate intake of all College/Faculties/Schools from AY2022/23. Under this fee system, tuition fees for an intake cohort of students will be based on the fees for that cohort throughout the student’s entire candidature. While fees continue to be reviewed annually and adjustments made as and when necessary with each new cohort of students, each new cohort will know the exact amount of tuition fees they have to pay per year throughout their entire candidature. This enables students to plan better for the financing of their graduate studies.
    a) With effect from AY2019/2020, graduate coursework students who exceeded their normal candidature will have to pay full, non-subsidised fees (i.e. fees for students not in receipt of MOE subsidy), during their extended semesters. (Note: All students, including graduate research students, to refer to this link for residency requirement, normal and maximum candidature; and this link on MOE subsidy.
  2. For students who are Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Resident, the tuition fees quoted above are subsidised by the Singapore government (through the Ministry of Education, MOE) and are exclusive of prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST). The prevailing GST is 9% with effect from 1 January 2024.
  3. The prevailing GST (9%,with effect from 1 January 2024) on the fees payable will be borne by International Students. The tuition fees quoted here are inclusive of the prevailing GST.
  4. Students who are not in receipt of MOE Subsidy will have to pay the non-subsidised fee amounts as quoted above (which are inclusive of the prevailing GST). The prevailing GST is 9% with effect from 1 January 2024.
  5. Students who have previously enjoyed government subsidy or sponsorship by a Singapore government agency (such as scholarships offered by the Ministries, Public Service Commission and Statutory Boards) in a graduate programme should refer to the Eligibility Guidelines for MOE Subsidy.
  6. Students in MOE-subsidised coursework programmes who are Singapore Citizens and aged 40 and above (based on the year which the student turns 40 years old) may be eligible for higher subsidy under the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy. The fees payable will be 60% lower than the standard subsidised fees payable by other Singaporean students. The amount of fees payable will be reflected in their individual student bill. Students who are not eligible for MOE subsidy are also not eligible for the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy. For more information regarding SkillsFuture Credits, please refer to the SkillsFuture Singapore website.
  7. All Singaporeans aged 25 and above may use their S$500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Singapore website to choose from the courses available on the SkillsFuture Credit course directory.
  8. Students, who are full-time NUS staff members and are eligible for MOE subsidy, may apply for the staff concession on the tuition fees of government-subsidised graduate programmes. Information on the staff concession is available at the NUS Staff Portal.
  9. Singapore citizens who wish to make use of the funds in their own or their siblings’ Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) to pay for their NUS fees must complete the PSEA Standing Order Form and submit to the NUS Graduate School. For more details on the PSEA scheme for graduate students, please refer to here.
  10. Fees are chargeable for students on coursework programmes reading courses in Special Term. Full-time and part-time students admitted from AY2019/2020 are charged on a per unit basis based on the respective full-time student rates, for courses they read during the Special Term. The fee calculation is based on a full-time student taking a maximum load of 20-24 units in a regular semester or 40-48 units per annum as per their programme requirement. Fees for full-time and part-time students are the same for the courses read in Special Term. Students taking courses from self-funded programmes will pay the fees per course as specified by the programmes.
  11. For more information on tuition fees, please refer to here.


Miscellaneous Student Fees

Students in all graduate coursework programmes, whether registered on a full-time or part-time basis, are charged the miscellaneous student fees on a semestral basis. These are due at the same time as the tuition fees.

The miscellaneous student fees for students admitted in AY2024-2025 is as follows:

Miscellaneous Student Fees Full-time Part-time
Student Services Fee (SSF) S$170.00 S$120.00
Health Service Fee (HSF) S$132.50 N.A.
Late Payment Charge
(if applicable)

Fees quoted are inclusive of prevailing GST. Fees are subject to change at any time.

All full-time graduate students are required to subscribe to the medical insurance scheme which covers:
  • Personal Accident Insurance Coverage
  • Hospitalisations, Surgical and Mental Health Insurance Scheme
  • Outpatient Specialist Care

Information on this scheme is available at this website.