Joint PhD Programme With King's College London

Instruction to NUS Applicants

Three schools at King's College London (KCL) – School of Arts & HumanitiesSchool of Social Science & Public Policy and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience - and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) invite applications to the Joint PhD programme (JDP) for every Semester I (August) intake. This JDP represents a good mix of strength from both universities to enhance the training and research work of PhD candidates from both institutions. The programme allows students to pursue work in a wide range of humanities and social science disciplines as well as in topics that invite interdisciplinary approaches. The Schools and Faculty complement each other in terms of areas of strength and of geographical location. You will be registered in one home university, but guided in your work by faculty from both, and examined to the standards of both. You will graduate with a joint qualification, earning a certificate which bears the crests of both universities.

The NUS departments involved in the Joint PhD programme are as follows:

  • Chinese Studies
  • Communications and New Media
  • Comparative Asian Studies
  • Cultural Studies in Asia
  • Economics
  • English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Japanese Studies
  • Malay Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • South Asian Studies
  • Southeast Asian Studies

The KCL departments/institutes involved in the Joint
PhD programme are as follows:

  • Comparative Literature
  • Contemporary India
  • Digital Humanities
  • English
  • Film Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • Language, Discourse and Communication
  • Philosophy
  • Politics/Political Economy
  • Political Science & China Studies
  • War Studies

Your application should be submitted to the university you will be based at. This means that if you wish to apply for admission to NUS and our scholarship schemes, you have to submit your application directly to NUS. You are not required to submit a separate application to KCL and vice-versa.

To apply for the JDP, you will still need to complete the application procedures listed here. In addition, you should submit, with your application package, a separate form indicating your desire to be considered for the JDP: Application for Joint-Degree PhD Programme between NUS and King's College London.

Successful candidates on NUS' end will be invited via email to submit a second application on KCL's application portal for KCL's consideration. The following documents/information are required:

  • Education documents (transcripts, certificates)
  • Research proposal
  • Demonstrable contact with supervisors at both institutions (this can be in the form of email correspondence)
  • Travel Plan form
  • Details of at least 1 referee (depending on programme entry requirements) who are independent to the supervisory group
  • Evidence of English language ability
  • Optional CV

If you wish to be based at KCL, you should apply directly to KCL. Please refer to KCL's website for the application instructions.

Before you apply for the JDP, you are required to write to your potential advisor at NUS and KCL to ascertain their interest/suitability in your research topic and attach the documentary evidence as listed in the application form mentioned above. Applications without the form will be processed under the single-PhD degree programme.

Do note that KCL has a very strict policy with regard to English language proficiency for admissions due to UK government requirements. Even if NUS does not require you to submit a TOEFL/IELTS score report or if your TOEFL/IELTS score has expired, you will have to be prepared to take/re-take the test. Information on KCL’s English language requirements can be found here.

For information on what it's like to spend a year in KCL, please click here.

Current single-degree PhD applicants
Current NUS students in the single PhD programme who wish to apply for the Joint PhD programme should submit their application using the form here here no later than the end of their first year of study. You should also update your research proposal if there are any changes.

You will need to plan in advance so that you are in your second or third year of PhD candidature when you are at KCL. You should preferably have passed your PhD QE before going to KCL. You are encouraged to start at KCL during the September intake. This is the main intake and will allow you to access the induction events and may give you a better chance of finding college-based accommodation.

You need to submit your application to your home department in your first year of studies by the deadlines indicated below:

  • 15 January OR
  • 15 June

NUS will process your application and send it to KCL by the end of March and August respectively. KCL will contact you to input your details in their application system and assess your application separately. The following documents/information are required:

  • Education documents (transcripts, certificates)
  • Research proposal
  • Demonstrable contact with supervisors at both institutions (this can be in the form of email correspondence)
  • Travel Plan form
  • Details of at least 1 referee (depending on programme entry requirements) who are independent to the supervisory group
  • Evidence of English language ability
  • Optional CV