Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI) - NUS Joint Scholarship Programme

The Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI) and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (NUS) invite applications for the HYI-NUS Joint Scholarship Programme. Successful applicants will be registered as PhD students at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS. The first 38 months will be spent at NUS (financed by NUS) while the remaining 10 months will be spent at Harvard University (financed by HYI). You are strongly encouraged to go to Harvard University as soon as possible after you have completed your PhD Qualifying Examination and, if applicable, fieldwork. The timing of your trip and duration you spend at Harvard University will be subject to the approval of your thesis advisors at NUS and Harvard University.


To be eligible, you must:

  1. Be nominated by home university, which has to be one of HYI partner universities in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia). In addition, you will need to hold a teaching position or possess teaching experience at one of these partner institutions and are assured reemployment after graduation from NUS. Only applicants whose institutions are affiliated with HYI are eligible to apply.
  2. Focus your research in one the following fields:
    • Anthropology
    • Archaeology- History (including Art History, Economic History, and Legal History)
    • Linguistics- Literature
    • Philosophy
    • Politics
    • Study of Religion- Sociology
  3. Satisfy the admission requirements as set out for the PhD programme at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS.

Intake and Deadline

There will be only one intake per year (in August). Applicants are required to submit their application directly to NUS:

Deadline for receipt of application 1 November
Release of results End of February


In your application to NUS, you should submit, with your application package, a separate form indicating your desire to be considered for the Joint Scholarship Programme.

Application for Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI)-NUS Joint Scholarship Programme


The contact details of HYI and NUS are as follows:

Harvard-Yenching Institute
Vanserg Hall, Suite 20, 25 Francis Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (617) 495 4050 (Main); (617) 495 3369 (Director's office); Fax: (617) 496 7206 (Programs Office); (617) 495 7798 (Director's Office)
ruohong_li (Dr Li Ruohong)

Faculty of Arts & Social Science, National University of Singapore
The Administrator
Graduate Studies Division
Dean's Office
The Shaw Foundation Building
Block AS7, Level 6, 5 Arts Link
Singapore 117570
Tel: +65 6601 3448
fasbox3 (Ms Pearly Ang)

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