Ethics Review of Projects


All ethics submissions will transition from email via Psych Ethics Enquiries ( to the DERC Review and Approval Management Application (DREAM) starting on 16 December 2024, after which email submissions will no longer be accepted.

Please review the user guide below to familiarise yourself with the application.

User Guide: Applicant


Departmental Ethics Review Committee (DERC) is the department-level committee that reviews social, behavioural and educational research (SBER) involving human participants that are of minimal risk.Note 1

All other SBER that are above minimal risk and all human biomedical research (HBR) as defined under section 3 of the Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA) must be reviewed by NUS-IRB.Note 2

DERC handles two types of minimal-risk SBER applications: 1) Student SBER applications and 2) Faculty SBER Exemption applications.

Please submit your new ethics application on the DERC Review and Approval Management Application (DREAM).

Application Submission
Additional Considerations
Grant Considerations

Note 1: Risk is considered minimal where the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater, in and of themselves, than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests (NUS-GUIDE-018).

Note 2: HBR is defined as any research that is intended to study: (a) the prevention, prognostication, diagnosis or alleviation of any disease, disorder or injury affecting the human body; (b) the restoration, maintenance or promotion of the aesthetic appearance of human individuals through clinical procedures or techniques; or (c) the performance or endurance of human individuals.